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From: Theo: I can't stop thinking about you in that sexy nightie x

I smiled to myself and slid my phone back into the pocket of my scrub bottoms.

"Scarlett, good," Dr Stanley pushed up his glasses and turned around when I entered the hospital room I'd been paged to go to.

On the bed, a clearly very intoxicated mad was laying with a bandage going around his forehead.

"I'll need you to check his stats, change the bandage and put him on a drop," he instructed me.

"Yes, Dr Stanley," eager to please him, I was standing by the bed in no time. The Dr left the room.

"Good morning, sir," I gave the drunken man a smile, "I'm going to change the bandage you have on your head, if that's fine."

"More than fine, luv'" his eyes were glazed over, and a disgusting stench seemed to float around him. I ignored it, and kept professional.

As I began removing the bandage carefully, he began staring at me.

"Ey, aren't you tha' hot nurse erryone's goin' on about?" He slurred, trying to lift himself up on the bed.

"Sir, please stay still," I told him, "if you'd like to sit, I'll gladly adjust the bed—"

It seemed incredibly sad to me that he was this drunk and it was only 10 AM. I had been at the hospital since 4 AM, though, but the drunks always seemed to start coming in at around this time. Some may have been drinking throughout the night, some may have begun as soon as they woke up.

Since I was bent over a bit over the bed to be able to gently roll the bandage off, he was swiftly able to bring his hand back and grip my bum, roughly, with his finger digging painfully into my skin.

I let out a small scream and jumped back, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

Not wanting to cause too much of a scene and make Dr Stanley think I couldn't handle myself as a future nurse, I decided to try once more.

"Sir, that's sexual harassement. Please, let me try to help you," I was still being polite, yet held a certain amount of authority in my voice.

He was absolutely hammered, still staring at me.

"D'you let Theo Black do tha' to ya', luv?" A slow and despicable grin tugged at his lips.

I sighed, keeping my cool, "I'm going to take your bandage off now. I'll have security here to restrain you if you touch me again."

"What'a fire cracker y'are," he slurred to himself.

I continued taking the bandage off, keeping an eye on his hands all the while. I threw it away, and grabbed a fresh bandage to replace where the old one had been.

"I'll go get a drop for you, sir, it'll keep you hydrated considering the amount of alcohol you have in your blood right now," I was telling him while checking his stats off a clipboard.

"Ya'know wha' I'd really like right now, nurse?" He was beckoning for me to come closer. I made sure to leave a space between us, far enough so that his hand couldn't reach me.

"What would you like, sir?" I asked, still being polite even when I knew what he would request next was going to be incredibly crude and offensive.

The dirty smirk he wore was nothing short of revolting. What made this even more uncomfortable was, that the thirty-year-old man knew who I was and that I was together with Theo.

"You closin' that door and showing me what'ya've got hidin' in those trousers of yours..."

I ignored what he'd said and placed the clipboard back to the holster for it on the end of the bed. He seemed to have fallen while drunk, giving himself a concussion which now resulted in him being here.

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