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"I knew tonight would end up with you luring me into your bed," I let out a quiet and breathless laugh, gazing up at the ceiling in his bedroom.

"Heyy," he protested with a grin, moving his arm behind me to turn me and pull my front against his side. Instinctively I placed my hand on his hard and bare chest, tracing his skin with the tips of my fingers in a featherlike way.

"I didn't lure you to kiss me. You started this," he reasoned, amused. The duvet was pulled up, covering our bare bodies.

I felt spent, a little sweaty, and like my heart was going to break out of my chest. I also felt extremely satisfied, warm and safe.

"I still blame you," I smiled to myself, feeling comfortable after having blocked out the hesitations of my overthinking mind, "if you hadn't made such a lovely dinner and been so sweet, I wouldn't have kissed you."

"I could have ordered McDonalds and you still would have kissed me, birdie."

I laughed gently, a part of me knowing it was true. For a moment I wondered what time it must be.

"You're too cocky, Theo. I kiss anyone who gives me food."

He chuckled, arm tightening for a moment to hold me closer.

"You know... don't get too excited, but I have a fridge full of food downstairs..." he was being playful, wiggling his brows down at me.

"You're silly," I placed a small kiss onto his jaw before resting my head on his upper arm, "I think I should be heading home soon."

He shook his head, "stay the night, Scarlett. I'll drive you to the hospital tomorrow."

I didn't want to leave. No part of me wanted to leave at this point, and to me, it was scary to feel my resolve crumbling down piece by piece. I knew that I had a long day tomorrow, and that I needed a good nights rest. Talking through the night with Theo - as lovely of an idea as it was - couldn't happen.

"Okay, alright. You've got to let me sleep, though," I agreed.

"Of course. I, uhm— I need to show you something," he cleared his throat, reaching for his phone on the night table. I stayed cuddled up to his side, feeling tiredness slowly seep in to my body.

The whole of tonight with him had been perfect. Dinner, dessert, conversations... I most definitely wasn't ready to give him up.

"What is it?" I murmured quietly, feeling so relaxed and safe; I hadn't felt so in such a long time.

I watched as he scrolled down something on his phone, before opening up and article. All good feelings left my body and were replaced by anxiety when I saw the picture underneath the title of the article.

'Theo Black continues with mystery woman Scarlett Dubois'

It was a picture of us kissing in the park this morning - or yesterday morning, depending on what time it was now. I grabbed his phone and sat up to read the article, holding the duvet up to cover my chest.

'Scarlett Dubois, 23, studying to be a nurse... the lovers caught kissing during a morning run... sources say the two seem very in love...'

I scanned over the article, my head spinning at all the things whoever had written this knew about me. They even knew the hospital I worked and studied at... Of course, there were a few lies to make the story more interesting, but otherwise the accurate parts frightened me. I guess nothing was a secret when it came to the way we lived nowadays.

"Are you okay?" Theo sat up beside me, leaning back against one hand while he studied the side of my face.

I was scared and didn't even realise tears were brimming my eyes. I knew I had heard something in the bushes that morning.

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