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(A/N: I'm so happy with this chapter, I hope you love it as much as I loved writing it!!!!!❤️❤️)


2 years later...

I sighed deeply and ran a hand through my hair. I had just done a pregnancy test.

I was standing in front of the mirror in our bedroom, carefully judging every single crevice of my body.

Wearing the red evening gown Theo had bought me two years ago in Russia, I had been getting ready to go meet him for dinner.

I had bought the pregnancy test after work, from where I'd left early due to horrid nausea. I had been noticing my breasts growing slightly fuller and my ankles swelling a bit during the past few weeks. I doubt Theo had any idea, though.

Our wedding was next week, finally, after what felt like months of stressing and planning over it.

I was positive I had missed a day of taking birth control in the midst of everything, having been so concerned over the crazy amounts of money Theo was willing to spend to give me the most perfect wedding. I felt almost responsible to find more normal options, to lessen costs even when it wasn't a problem for us economically. This added to all the stress.

My cleavage definitely looked bigger, but I was thankful my ankles were hidden by the long hem.

Just as I was beginning to think I should change gowns, I received a message from Theo.

From: Theo: I'm already at the restaurant, my meeting ended early. Are you on your way? x

To: Theo: I'm leaving now x

I had no idea why, but I was terrified of telling Theo I was pregnant. It wasn't too visible yet, and I was hoping he hadn't been too observing of any minor details concerning my mentality and body.

"Miaow," I looked over to see Frosty slowly strutting over towards me. I managed a small smile and lifted her up into my arms.

"Hey, beauty," I murmured quietly, letting her nuzzle against my chest. I ran my hand over her and felt her purr in relaxation.

With Frosty in my arms, I began walking downstairs.

"Mommy's going to have a baby," I told her quietly, still feeling shocked by the information as well.

It definitely hadn't been planned. Set on making me happy with every aspect in life, Theo had even begun to get excited about the idea of adopting.

Frosty made some sort of sound, and a part of me felt like she had understood what I'd just told her. I was surely losing my mind.

I placed her down after kissing the top of her head.

Alfred was waiting for me outside our home. We chatted a bit while he drove me towards the restaurant, butterflies filling my tummy for so many reasons.

Theo and I had known each other for almost three years, and still the affect he had on me hadn't faded in the least. The pull to him was as strong as ever, and the way he made me feel grew more and more amazing with each day.

We arrived, and I slipped inside past the paparazzi.

I was led through the main restaurant area in to a more secluded one, where Theo was sitting at a small round table.

"Theo," I spoke almost shyly, unable to hold back my careful smile when his eyes raised up to meet mine and he stood up.

He whistled lowly and began making his way toward me with a light grin.

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