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This was a situation I had never been in; being led by a two buff security men towards a door at the end of a long hallway. All I knew was, that I was here to watch the England's national football team's practice, and that the elevator ride up had felt like it took ages.

I read over his last text, trying to assure myself that I would most likely be seated on the seats outside, preferably next to Emma.

From: Theo: Don't stress, you'll be fine. I can't wait to see you x

He had sent me that half an hour ago. I knew his training had started already, and that I was late.

The door in front of me was opened by one of the security guards, and nothing could have prepared me for what I encountered there.

I was not one to judge by appearance or prejudices, but most of the women in the loge type of room had had more than one surgery enhancement done to their bodies.

I had never seen so much cleavage in my life.

"Hi, Scarlett!" Emma popped out towards me, immediately enveloping me in a warm hug. I knew she had been in my position at the start of her and Justin's relationship, and knew exactly how I was feeling.

"Hey," I gave her a smile when we pulled back, "what is this place?"

I examined the room better after stepping inside. We were clearly very high up within the empty football stadium, a glass wall giving the people here a perfect view onto the field. There was a table with all sorts of snacks, as well as champagne.

"The girlfriends, wives, mistresses, or whoever the guys want, come here to watch them train or play. Most of the people here don't come to every practice or game, but since this is a special occasion..." she was smiling brightly and handing me a glass of champagne.

"What do you mean by this being a special occasion?" My brows pulled down, the two of us making our way through the chatting women to stand by the window wall.

My eyes landed on the men - who I knew weren't tiny in the least, but looked rather small from up here - who were playing some sort of practice game together, their coach directing them with his arms flailing every-which-way.

"This is their last practice before they leave for the World Championship, of course!" Emma spoke as if it had been obvious. It really did seem like a big deal, and I wondered why Theo hadn't informed me of it.

"Ah, of course," I just nodded, feeling so out of place with these stunning, large-breasted, and clearly very well-off women in the room.

"Look, Theo's there," I followed Emma's pointing finger. Even though he was far away, there was no way I wouldn't have recognised him.

I had no idea what he was doing, tactic wise, but still managed to see and understand how all his passes and moves seemed to keep the practice game running. He dominated the game easily, so in-control as he always was.

I realised then exactly how important football was to him, and why he was the assistant captain of the national team. He truly was worth every single piece of credit he got from fans and people all across the globe.

"He's very good," I spoke, sipping my champagne.

"Are you Theo's woman?" A female voice came from behind us.

The way she had even phrased the question made me uncertain of her personality, even more so when I turned around and was met with two large breasts pushing into my face.

"I'm not his woman," I told the tall dark haired woman kindly and respectfully, "we're just dating."

The gorgeous and tan woman simply nodded, not seeming too interested in what I had to say.

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