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"He was so sweet," I was telling Theo, "he said you were his idol and that he wants to be just like you when he grows up."

He gave me a smile, sat opposite me at the island table in my kitchen. I was on my second glass of the best white wine I had, while he was just finishing his first. I had also whipped up strawberries and whipped cream for us to share.

"You said his name was Daniel? Why's he in a wheelchair?" Theo watched me closely as I took a small bite from the cream covered tip of a strawberry.

"He said he'd been in a car accident," I shook my head, still feeling quite devastated for the young boy, "he also told me the doctors had said that he wouldn't be able to play football again. It was heartbreaking."

"You seem very taken by him," he pointed out.

"I am. I wish you could meet him, it would make him so happy," I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"We'll see. The world's a small place," he gave me a mischievous look, and I laughed gently.

"I've decided to go visit him tomorrow after my shift ends," I told him, taking another small bite of the sweet strawberry.

"Tell him I send my regards."

I sent him a smile, "it'll make him so excited."

Before either of us could continue, my phone began ringing in front of me on the marble counter. Both our eyes focused down at the caller ID.

"Who's Louis?" Theo asked, eyes back on mine in no time.

"Oh... he's, uhm... he's my brother," I felt incredibly upset all of a sudden. I hadn't had any type of contact with him in what felt like ages.

My family was very dysfunctional, and I barely kept in touch with any of them. My mother, a chronic alcoholic, had left us when we'd been young. My brother had fallen in with the wrong crowd later in life, and I hadn't talked to him since I left to go study. I still sometimes kept in touch with my father, but just talking to him reminded me of such hard times, it took a toll on me even when I loved him dearly.

"I need to take this, I'm sorry," I fumbled and grabbed my phone. Theo gave me a nod before I got up and made my way into the living room to answer my phone.

"Louis?" I answered the phone, my voice a little shaky. I feared he had gotten himself into more trouble, or something along those lines.

"Hey, S. It's been a while," he spoke. I had missed his voice and the old him.

"It has. Are you alright, why are you calling me?" I sat down on the couch, leaning my elbows on my knees while pinching the bridge of my nose with my free hand.

"Dad's birthday is in a few weeks. I thought it'd be nice to go visit him and celebrate together."

That was something I definitely hadn't been expecting for him to have called me for. The last time he had called me had been months ago, asking for money.


"Yeah," he sounded almost happy, "listen, I've been in rehab for the past six months. I'm clean. I have a job at a coffee shop."


I couldn't decide if I should be wary or joyed with what he was telling me. I didn't trust him anymore, after everything. There was still a voice inside me convincing me he would return to his bad ways.

"Lou... I don't know what to say," I spoke quietly, a few tears brimming my eyes, "I'm so proud of you. I-I'd love to come celebrate dad with you."

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