#immoral offer Chapter 8

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I packed things into a bag.

'You're leaving.' I heard Seth's voice behind her back. "But you leave the casino and me," He said.

'The casino will be closed and you ...'

"I know, Liam," He interjected. "I know what you want to say, but I felt that you somehow are mine, so now that I see you packing these few things, I feel.' He fell silent when I looked at him. 'I have feelings. You do not believe me, but I care about you and your happiness. I told you more than once, Liam.'

'Seth,' I stifled.

"I am in love with you," He said.

' I do not want to hear it,' I growled. After this statement I left the facilities.

Going out, I ran into Zayn. Maybe he did not even look at me at the fraction of a second and avoided my character by saying a "sorry".

I found myself in front of the building.

'What are you going to do now, boy?' I turned around and saw Kellan standing against the wall.

"I do not know," I answered. After a moment, however, I decided to tell the truth because I liked too much and I respected him to lie. 'I got job offers.'

'Seth suggested something to you?' He asked


'Zayn? He asked uncertainly,' I nodded. 'Boy, do you know what you're getting into?' – He asked.

'I does not really know, but,' I paused. 'I have to not think about it. With the rest there is something that allows me.'

"Kellan, Zayn is asking you to the office," Tom said the security guard Malik towards the older employee

"I'm coming," He mumbled. 'Watch out for Liam,' Kellan said and went inside the casino.

A moment later I found myself at the resort. Mela led me to a large, spacious living room where most seniors watched the replays of yesterday's match. My grandfather sat and stared blankly at the open window. I looked at Mele, then slowly, trying to calm my heartbeat, I went to grandfather. I sat next to him on the couch and put a hand on his shoulder, and when he glanced at me and smiled slightly, I knew he was still with me. He's trying to stay with me. When he turned his face and turned her toward the television, he began to watch what was happening on the screen. I leaned head against his shoulder. I sighed loudly, and he put a wrinkled hand on my cheek and gently patted.

'I left the Casino,' I stifled. 'I'm going home and have to calm down in my mind how to behave in order to survive. I do not know if I am doing well and would like you to advise me. I do not know what choice will be ...'

"I never wanted more than I had," Put in the old man. 'It was enough for me to have a peaceful life, work in the profession of a vet, loyal friends and a dream woman,' He said. 'I could not always make a good decision, and even those bad ones allowed me to find what each of us should receive advantage.'

'With the rest, how far should a man go to get what he wants?' I asked, and he looked at me.

"I do not know," He answered.

'You know, I'm different from him,' I began to sapek. ' But in his presence, making a decision seems very simple, but when I stay alone I know that I should think well whether to say "no" or "yes".'

"Why is it easy to make a decision with him?" Grandfather asked.

'In his presence I see many possibilities of a different life that I have never imagined as my own. With him, life seems to be without these rigid restrictions that I myself or others imposed on myself," I said

"Live like he will let you," The senior said and smiled at me.

I stood in front of the block. I put the bag on the ground and reached into my pants pocket. I pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I glanced in and saw that I had the last one. 'I should have quit,' I mumbled.

'Hi Liam.' Someone spoke to me. I raised my face and saw a beautiful brunette with big green eyes.

"Hey Kim," I said. I knew her but I still could not remember her. 'Already after class?' I asked

'Yes. It is a pity that you gave up on them,' She said sadly.

'I had to. I need to take a job and take care of my grandfather.'

'The new therapy has failed?' She asked approaching me.

"Yes," I answered.

'I'm so sorry. What now?' Kim asked the next question.

'Now re-testing and then applying new drugs. I do not know what it will be. Work in the casino is over, because they have to close it,' I said.

'I heard. However, I thought that Seth Bella would not let this happen, because he makes big Money,' She said.

'Unfortunately, there is someone who has more voting rights to shut down the premises than Seth. It turns out that Bella is only a smaller shareholder, and this one. There is nothing to tell. It is so that I do not have a job and can not afford a flat, keep my grandfather in the center, dance school.' I lighted. 'Besides, the proposal for a new job is below my dignity, but I will earn a large sum in twenty days.'

'Work is probably not legal?' She asked

'No. None of these things, " I said and looked at her. She smiled at me. 'I'm sorry to bother you with your problems.'

'I understand that you do not want to delve into the topic of the new occupation?' He asked

"I will be the bodyguard of a rich man," I answered without thinking. I lied and felt bad about it.

"It is a difficult task," She said and patted my shoulder.

"I know," I strangled and returned her sincere smile.

'I have to go, Liam. Bye,' She said and left.

'Sure. Thank you for the interview. See You later,' I said and said goodbye to her with a firm handshake.

I was standing outside for a moment. I was thinking about Zayn. Ever since I saw him, I feel. I can not even describe it well. It is so that I looked at his beautiful face, brown eyes that look as dirty as clay, but they have something sweet like honey and an innocent defenseless like a deer standing in the middle of a green meadow. I felt he had me and I do not mind. Just talking to him, meeting him every time, looking at him and seeing how much he wants to feel me, how much I am sure he can feel me. I can allow him a lot, although I feel a little embarrassment, I feel horny that I never know what the effect will be with him. However, with him I am calm, as if I knew he would take care of me. And what's the most funny thing is that he is just as full of self-control, patience and balance in my presence. Shit, I think I'm reaching for an adventure, and he can turn out to be a very deep experience, a feeling. This random encounter is like a spark for me, which ignited the fire and I know I have to be careful. I should be careful.

Niemoralna Propozycja / Immoral Offer   #ziamOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz