Chapter 6

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-Adeena's POV-

I tugged on my jacket sleeve, hiding the cuts as I sat in class.

The teacher read out from the textbook, asking us to take down notes every now and then.

I stared at my empty page, not being able to concentrate on what she was saying, when suddenly I felt something hit the back of my head.

Annoyed, I looked back at whoever threw the paper ball, and saw it was Mila with a smirk playing on her lips.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed the paper, opening it as my curiosity increased.

In big black letters, was written-

You're fat Adeena. And ugly. Kill yourself.

-Mila :)

The tears welled up, and holding them back, I got up abruptly.

"Adeena, what happened?" the teacher asked, stopping her sentence.

All eyes were on me now, making me feel judged instantly.

"Miss, can I use the restroom?" I asked as calmly as I could.

She nodded her head in response and I bolt out the door, with my bag on my shoulder, and ran towards the washrooms, down the quiet hallways.

I bawled, sitting in the locked stall; my heart aching.

Ugly. Fat. Ugly. Fat.

They repeated in my head, again and again, driving me crazy.

"SHUT UP!" I yelled at nothing but the voices living in my head.

Cut. Do it. Cut.

They prompted and now I could think of nothing but the comfort of cuts on my hand.

They were loud. Deafening.

I grabbed the spare blade from my bag, and held the cold metal on my skin. Giving in to the voices, I slit my arms, once then twice, then again and again before my arm was bloody and in pain.

My mind went quiet and I felt at peace.

I sighed tiredly, resting my head on the wall and closing my eyes as the tears that had stopped just a few minutes ago, came flowing down again.

At home, I lay on my bed. Quiet and staring at the ceiling. I felt tired, exhausted.

I missed my mom every day. Life was happy, and good when she was around and now, it was a mess; a complete disaster.

My arm ached with the cuts and the bruises from my dad, my head pounding for no reason other than the lack of food in my body.

In some ways it was good I didn't eat, I was fat, just like Mila said. She was right, she always was when it came to me.

"Addy?" I heard Elle's timid voice and I snapped back to reality.

I got up quickly, not wanting her to see me in such a dazed state.

"Yeah baby girl?" I asked.

She walked inside, standing near the bed.

"Daddy isn't home. You wanna watch TV?" she asked hopefully.

I smiled slightly, nodding in response.

"I'll be right down in a second okay?" I said.

She nodded happily, then ran down the stairs.

I sighed tiredly, wiping the tears I didn't realise had escaped. I stared at myself in the mirror, hating what I saw. I let the hurt build up inside me as I walked down the stairs.

When I got down, I sat next to Elle, who was watching an old Disney movie playing.

'Camp Rock', it was called.

I smiled as I remembered watching this movie a few years back, and remembering how much I had liked it.

The female actress, Demi Lovato was such a good singer and she was so beautiful!

"Addy, she sings so well!" Elle cooed, as she watched her sing her famous song 'This is me'.

"She does!" I agreed, smiling as her powerful voice boomed through the TV.

Her eyes twinkled as she watched her perform and I couldn't help but genuinely smile at my sister's joy.

This is real

This is me!

As she sang the lyrics, my mind drifted; her voice fading in the background.

My mind wandered to the feelings of unsafety I felt in own house;  twitching when I heard a bang, looking over my shoulder everytime we walked to and from school and shaking when I heard my dad's bold voice echo throughout the house even when I had locked myself away from him.

I wanted to feel safe and I wanted Elle to grow up in an environment that was happy, calm and peaceful but our house was everything opposite of that.

I longed to live in a house where I would find solace.

Was that too much to ask for?

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Stay strong always❤

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