Chapter 90

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7:00 A.M.

-Demi's POV-

The hospital was quiet. I hadn't slept a wink. I spent my time in Addy's room all night, holding her pale hand or walking in the garden outside the hospital.

Wilmer urged me to sleep but I just couldn't. I was exhausted, no doubt but it didn't matter at this moment.
I had asked a few doctors about Addy's state but they told me that Dr.Brandon would let me know in the morning.

I walked back from the washroom to Hallway 3 where Adeena's room was, and found my mom awake.

"Morning mom" I said, limping down on the seat next to hers.

"Morning baby. You didn't sleep huh?" she asked.

I shook my head in response, and she let out a sigh and kissed the side of my head. "It'll be okay Dems. I can feel it in my gut. She's going to be okay" she stated.

I nodded, "I hope so"

8:30 A.M.

We had just finished our breakfast, and although I had no appetite, my mother urged me to have an apple.
As we headed upstiars, we saw a doctor in front of Addy's room.

Wilmer and I looked at each other with hopeful eyes as we rushed towards the doctor.

"Dr.Brandon?" I called out as we reached the blonde-haired guy.

"Yes?" he asked, "You are Demi Lovato right?" he asked before I could introduce myself.

I nodded, "How is Adeena?" I questioned.

He asked us to follow him inside the room, and it immediately pained me as I looked at her stitches and the IV attached to Adeena's arms. Elle walked right towards her sister's bed and looked at her.

"Elle, come here baby" I said. She looked at Addy once again before she walked over to me. I held her close to me and I looked at Dr.Brandon.

"Adeena is recovering, and that too, fast" he revealed. "You can breathe now, your daughter is going to be just fine Ms.Lovato"

A wide smile broke out on all our faces and my eyes teared up. "Thank you so much Dr.Brandon!" I said, shaking his hand with gratitude.

He gave me a warm smile, "May I ask who found her?"

"Umm..." I hesitated, "This little girl did" I said, looking down at Elle.

"Well" Dr.Brandon started, "You found her right in time sweetheart. If she would've sufferered more blood loss the consequences wouldn't have been good" he explained.

Elle smiled slightly, and I kissed the top of her head. "She'll wake up soon enough. You can stay in here if you'd like" Dr.Brandon said, and left the room.

Relieved, I hugged my parents and kissed Wilmer. Tears of happiness escaped quickly and I didn't fight them. Elle seemed a lot more better, the fear and misery from her brown eyes had disappeared and I hugged her tightly remembering what the doctor had just told us.

I called Caelum and Ashleigh and told them the news to which they had screamed with happiness, comfort evident in their voice.

9:00 A.M.

I sat in Addy's room alone, while the others went back home to freshen up. I was scrolling through my phone, my hand on the hospital bed, when I felt the bed slightly move.

I looked up instantly and saw Addy open her eyes.

"Oh baby girl..." I cried out.

"M-mom?" she asked, evidently confused. "Why am I here?"

A second passed and realization hit her as she looked down at her stitched up arms. Her eyes watered and the tears escaped all at once. My heart ached as I watched my daughter break down in front of me after realizing she had just attempted suicide.

"'s okay honey. Calm down please" I consoled.

A few more minutes passed but sure enough she started to sniffle and her tears had stopped. Our family reached right then and when they saw Addy awake, they rushed in along with Caelum and Ashleigh.

"Oh my God! You're okay!" Ashleigh cried out, hugging Addy lightly so as to not hurt her in any way.

Caelum didn't say anything, but I could see the conflicting emotions in his eyes; hurt along with relief, guilt along with happiness.

"We'll give you guys some time" Caelum said eventually, pulling Ashleigh away and out of the room.

"Addy!" Elle squealed, and I had to hold her back from jumping up on her, but I let her give her a soft kiss.

"How do you feel sweetheart?" Wilmer asked.

Addy didn't say anything but shut her eyes again. I could see exhaustion written all over her face. Dr.Brandon walked in with a smile over his face. He walked over to Addy's left side, holding her hand up gently to check her pulse.

"How do you feel Adeena?" he asked.

"In pain" she replied eventually.

I looked at Wilmer with a sorrowful expression.

"I could give you some pills for that if you'd like" he suggested.

She nodded. After a minute, he placed her hand back down on her stomach, and looked at her with earnest eyes.

"Now listen to me very closely Adeena" he started, "I'm aware that you don't know me but I need you to know that you are alive for a purpose. Your family needs you and your friends need you. I don't know what happened that drove you to do this to yourself but there are people who care for you honey, and from your family's behavior these past few hours, you surely are loved"

Adeena looked at all of us, her eyes glistening with tears. "I'm sorry...I really am! I-I don't wanna die. I-I really thought I did but-but I don't want to. I'm sorry, I'm s-so sorry!" she sobbed.

I sat down on the stool next to her bed, playing with her hair which seemed to always calm her down.

"What you did is not okay baby girl but what's important is you want to live. There's a lesson after every hard struggle and maybe this was yours" I said.

She sniffled and looked at me, "I love you mom" she said, and looked at the rest of our family, "I love you all so much"

I smiled and kissed her forehead lightly. "You're a survivor my sweet girl" I said.

Dr.Brandon smiled at us, "Adeena...I think you should really thank your little sister. She truly saved your life. She found you and if she hadn't we really don't know what situation we'd be in right now" he said.

Addy's eyes grew wide with shock. I could see the guilt lurking behind her gorgeous eyes. "Elle?" she said, and Elle walked towards her.

"Oh baby girl...I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm so sorry but thank you. Thank you for saving me, little sister" she said as she gave Elle a long hug.

"You always protect me Addy. This time, I wanted to protect you"

My school has started again and I am so tired already :'(
Hope you liked the chapter!

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Stay strong, always❤

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