Chapter 86

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-Addy's POV-

It was a clear Saturday evening. I had managed to somehow finish two chapters in Biology and one chapter in Maths. I had gone for my therapy session too, and overall I felt petty okay today.

The past few weeks had me broken down and worn out with only two to three hours of sleep as I would wake up screaming and crying from my nightmares.

Last night and the night before were the first two nights in the past two weeks where I didn't have a heart-wrenching nightmare.

I didn't have any plans today, so I decided to grab my phone and earplugs along with a novel and sat in the balcony. I was reading The Diary of a Young Girl:Anne Frank. I was twenty pages in when my phone rang.

A smile broke out on my face when I saw that it was Caelum.

"Hey!" I chirped.

"Hey baby. You free?" he asked.

"I was reading, but yeah I'm free. What's up?"

"Look out your window"

Filled with curiosity, I got up from my seat on the plushy chair and leaned down from the balcony.

Caelum was there, dressed in formal clothes and a huge banner that read 'Will you go to the Prom with me?' I shrieked with excitement and threw my book on the chair, rushing out the door, down the stairs and straight out the front door.

I ran towards him, and tackled him in a hug. He laughed heartily, and we fell on the fresh grass.

"I would love to go to the prom with you" I said, grinning wide. He gave me his adorable smile and I realized the position we were currently in. I was sitting over him as he lay on the grass, my face mere inches from his.
I blushed furiously, and once he realized, he blushed too.

"Get a room, losers!" I heard Ashleigh yell. We got up, and I saw her in the car, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at her, and Caelum scratched the back of his head, looking at the ground.

"Caelum you coming today, or what?" Ashleigh asked.

"You wanna hang out?" Caelum asked me.

I nodded, and he smiled. "Ash, you go on home. Tell mum I'll be home by 9:00"

Ashleigh gave me a knowing smirk which only made me blush harder, and I flipped her off, not-so-discreetly.

"Hey Caelum! It's nice to see you here. Nice promposal, very old school. I like it" Wilmer commented as we walked into the house.

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'll change and be right back" I said to Caelum.

I quickly slipped out of my current clothes and chose a better outfit. I decided on wearing my black skirt, one with a zip on it's side, matching it with my full-sleeved mustard yellow turtleneck and my black boots. It was sort of a date night!

I pulled my hair out of it's messy bun and combed through the knots. My hair was as long as my mother's was and I liked it this way. I left it open, letting it naturally hang over my shoulders, before I applied some eyeliner, lip gloss and foundation.

When I got down, Caelum gazed at me, a warm smile playing on his lips. "Well, it was nice meeting you Wilmer. Tell Demi I said hi" Caelum said.

"Sure will. You two have fun and most importantly, stay safe" Wilmer said.

"We will, Fezzy" I grinned. "Love you" I said, hugging him briefly.

"Love you too sweetheart" he said, as he shut the door behind us.

"Where to?" Caelum asked.

I mused and then shrugged, "I'm fine with anything" I said.

We decided on going to a nearby restaurant and although I wasn't too thrilled about eating I was glad that Caelum and I were going on a date after so long.

When we reached the restaurant and sat down, Caelum held my hand on the table. "You look gorgeous, princess" he complimented.

I blushed slightly, "You look good too baby" I said, returning the compliment.

We spent the evening talking and catching up. I laughed with him, more than I had in so long and my heart felt full. I had managed to eat a few bites of the noodles before I could no longer force feed myself.

When we left the restaurant, Caelum and I walked to a park. Just like the other day, I sat on the swings while Caelum sat at the edge of the slide.

"We always end up at the park" I commented, looking out at the empty field beyond the park.

He chuckled, "Yeah, we do. I guess it's because we saw each other at the park for the first time. Do you remember?" he asked.

I smiled at the memory, "Of course I remember. I was with Maddie and we were heading back home when I saw you. I was attracted right then and there" I revealed, smirking slightly.

He laughed, shaking his head. "You caught my eye the minute I laid my eyes on you too"

I bit my lip as I smiled, I so badly wanted to kiss him right now. I got off the swing and exactly like that day, I knelt down on the soft sand. Caelum was starting to get nervous again, so I held his hand that was resting on his knees.

He looked deep into my eyes, and I leaned forward closing the gap between us. I gulped nervously, before his lips crashed onto mine. Electricity and sparks erupted in my body, and I let myself melt into my passionate first kiss.

His hands moved down to my waist, to pull me in closer and my hands tangled up in his dark brown hair. His breath was minty and fresh, and the air around us was cold. We pulled away to catch our breath, feeling nothing but pure ecstasy.

"T-that was...great" he breathed.

"It was" I grinned.

Before I knew it, Caelum pulled me in again and kissed me softly. I chuckled, and kissed back just as lovingly and felt him smile against my lips. "I love you Adeena" he mumbled into the kiss.

I gasped and pulled away, "You-you w-what?" I stammered.

His eyes grew wide in realization of what he had just said but he quickly beamed, "I mean it. I love you" he said again, giving me an adorable crooked smile.

My heart was racing, thumping fast against my chest. Was I dreaming?

I blinked once, then twice just be to be sure, expecting myself to wake up in my bed, but as I opened my eyes, Caelum was there, with his gentle hands on my hips and his gleaming grey eyes peering into mine.

I wondered if he could hear my frantic heart beats in the silence. I smiled from ear to ear when I knew I was going to finally say it, "I love you too Caelum Ward"

Decided to write a cheesy-ass chapter for once😛 Hope you guys liked it!

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Stay strong, always❤

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