Chapter 55

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-Adeena's POV-

I got back home to a sleepy Elle and a tired Marissa, sitting on the living room couch. I shut the door quietly, hoping to avoid Marissa altogether.
I took one step on the stairs, and it slightly creeked.

"Addy? Is that you?"


I grit my teeth, and walked into the living room. "Hey" I said softly.

"Hey honey" she said.

"How was your day Mar?" I asked, trying to avoid 'the talk' she had warned me about.

"It was fun with this little one" she chuckled, looking at Elle. I smiled, and looked down at the floor.

"How was yours?" she asked.

I looked up at her, and smiled slightly. "It was good"

"How about I make you pasta for dinner? Wilmer and Demi aren't going to be home for a while" she said.

"No, I'm good. I already ate" I said, breaking eye contact.

She sighed and walked towards me, "Let's go to the kitchen. We need to talk" she said.

I groaned internally, but obeyed. We walked into the kitchen, and switched on the dim lights before sitting down at the table.

She took my hand that was rested on the wooden texture, and looked at me. "Addy...I-I need you to be honest with me" she stated.

I gulped nervously, as the nervousness built up. I nodded, agreeing to be truthful.

"Did you cut again?" she confronted.

My knees went weak. I bit my bottom lip, and breathed deep. My eyes teared up, knowing I had broken a promise.

"Yeah" I answered, in despair. The tears escaped, flowing down my cheeks. My heart hurt, physically. I couldn't take this pain anymore, I didn't know how much longer I would be able to hold on.

"Oh Adeena..." she cried out, embracing my weak body.

"I'm sorry" I croaked, as I sobbed into her shoulder. She rubbed my arms, hushing me with her delicate voice.

"I've got you baby girl. Calm down. We're gonna make this right" she consoled.

I sniffled, and pulled away, feeling vulnerable and weak. I hated feeling this way.

"Oh honey..." Marissa started, "If only you could see how lovely you truly are" she stated.

She's lying.

Don't listen to her.

They all lie.

"You're so beautiful Adeena" she said.

You're the opposite of that.

Fat freak.


"I'm not Mar!" I screamed.

"Adeena calm do-"

"No! I'm so sick of everybody lying to me. I'm not beautiful, I'm not smart, I'm worthless, and I deserve to die!" I yelled, pulling myself away from her.

I ran out of the kitchen, and up the stairs, completely ignoring my confused little sister. I locked myself in my room, and sank down to the floor; my head buried in my hands.

I sobbed silently; the memories of my father, and the painful words of Aurora, all rushing into my brain like a flood, and hitting me hard. I rocked my shaking body back and forth, trying to breathe.

I needed fresh air, and I had to get out of the house. I grabbed my earplugs, phone, and slipped on my shoes. I walked down the stairs, and without saying a word to Marissa, I went outside, slamming the door behind me.

The cold evening breeze instantly hit me, and I shivered slightly. The street was empty, except for a few cars driving past. I walked down the street, listening to music, and shutting out all my thoughts.

My phone rang constantly as Marissa tried to reach me. I declined each and every one of her calls, too tired to want to talk to anyone.

I walked faster, and faster and eventually started to run. My heart beats accelerated, my body heated up, and my forehead started to sweat. The adreline rushed through me, making me increase my speed every minute. I felt myself running out of breath, but I didn't want to stop. I could feel the air hit me, cars zoom past me and for those 20 mins, my mind was focused on nothing else.

I eventually had to stop though, as I felt myself get slightly dizzy. I sat down on one the wooden benches near an abandoned park. I huffed, catching my breath, and resting my easily tired legs. My body was burning up from the inside, and my knees vibrated rhythmically.

My stomach emitted a loud growl, and I put my head back in exasperation.

I shouldn't have gotten mad at Mar.

I sighed, knowing I would have to go back home and clean up the mess I had made. I got up from the bench, and started to walk back home-a kilometer away.

-Marissa's POV-

The way Adeena got angry, it worried me. She definitely had a temper. But, what she said in her anger, was more troubling.

"I'm not beautiful, I'm not smart, I'm worthless, and I deserve to die!"

She was suicidal, and this I knew could not be ignored. I couldn't keep this from Demi, not anymore. She was her mother, and she deserved to know.

I called out to her as she ran out of the kitchen, and up to her room and when I sprinted out to the living room, to Elle. She was shocked, her eyes wide, and filled with concern, confusion, and sadness.

"Mar, is Addy okay?" she asked, naively.

My tears built up, and I kneeled down. I embraced her small body, "She's gonna be fine baby" I whispered.

A few tears rolled down her cheek, and I wiped them away. "Don't cry baby, it's gonna be okay, alright?" I consoled. She nodded hesitantly, and wrapped her skinny arms around my neck. I kissed her cheek and pulled away, switching on the TV for her to watch.

Fifteen minutes later, I heard the front door slam. I ran out from the living room, and cursed under my breath, realizing Adeena had run out.

I grabbed my phone from the couch, dialing her number again and again, receiving absolutely so answer. I groaned in frustration, and picked up a sleeping Elle up to her room.

When I got back downstairs, I found Adeena back home, safe. I sighed in relief, and embraced her as tight as I could. I wiped my small tears away, and broke the hug.

"Don't ever run off like that again!" I warned.

"I won't, I'm sorry Mar. I'm sorry about everything" she cried.

"It's okay honey. I love you" I said softly.

"I love you too, Mar"

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Stay strong, always❤

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