Chapter 78

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-Demi's POV-

When we got home, Addy headed straight to her room. I could see how much this had affected her but I had to give her her space.

I walked to the kitchen, poured myself a cup of coffee, and walked back to the living room. I knew I had to tell Wilmer about this and along with that I would have to tell him about the bullying, the self-harm and the eating disorder. He cared about Adeena more than she knew and it would absolutely crush him if he didn't know what was going on with her.

I sighed tiredly, and laid my head back on the soft pillow, staring up at the ceiling. I had a bunch of meetings to get through this week, but I had made my decision that this year I would be taking a break-no new songs and no new albums. I needed this break more than ever. This year, I would concentrate only on the wedding.

I finished my cup of coffee, and picked up my laptop. I browsed through the news for today, and once that was done I started doing something I had been itching to do-finding the perfect wedding dress.

-Addy's POV-

I chucked my blue bag at the foot of my desk and laid on the bed, arms and legs stretched out.

I was suspended.

I felt like the weight of this situation hadn't hit me yet, but every once in a while, my eyes would grow wide in realization that I had done something stupid and gotten myself suspended. I hadn't even gotten detention before this.

I felt horrible about myself, and a part of me also wished that Aurora was alright. Yes, she made my life a living hell but I wasn't the type of person to harm someone and not care about them.

I groaned loudly. All this guilt, regret, misery and heartache; it was too much for me. I tried understanding why I felt so ridiculously remorseful  about what I had done when Aurora constantly bullied me both physically and mentally, but when my head started pounding, I gave up.

I could almost feel my demons start whispering. I could feel them start to accuse me.

Stupid girl, now you're suspended and Demi probably hates you.

"That's not true" I muttered.

Caelum is going to think you're a freak, and he'll break up with you.

"No! No, he won't!"

Your sister won't feel safe around you anymore.

"I love my sister. I would never hurt her. I can protect her. I WILL protect her"

Wilmer won't even talk to you.

"He will. He won't abandon me. I know it!"

And Ashleigh, your best friend, she'll realize how dangerous you can be. She'll leave you too.

My tears flowed down effortlessly, and I held my head tightly as I wailed.

"STOP LYING TO ME!" I shouted at my demons. My voice was shaky, and broken.

We're not lying sweetie. We're just preparing you for the harsh truth of what's to come.

"Please-please stop doing this. I can't do this anymore...I really can't. Stop. Please" I started begging weakly, still cluthing my head.

My throat ached and my eyes burned, but I got up from my bed and walked to the washroom where I picked up my blade.

Rolling my sleeves up, I stared at my wrists. Almost healed, I thought as I looked at the old cuts. My demons didn't need to give me that one push for me to drag the metal across my skin.

I watched as the blood beaded up, flowing out, and falling down into the white sink. Soon, more drops followed until my sink had a small puddle of my thick red blood.

I threw the blade into the sink, as I felt myself weaken. I fell to the ground, the couch in my room becoming blurry as I looked out from the washroom. Black spots started to appear, and eventually, everything went dark.

One thought though revolved around my head as I was falling. I understood why I felt guilty-I didn't want to become like my father.

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Stay strong, always❤

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