Chapter 10

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-Addy's POV-

It was night-8:00, and Demi hadn't sent us back home.

I didn't want to go back home, but I knew my dad. He would somehow find us, and take us back. I didn't want that, I couldn't go back there.

"Addy...what is daddy going to do if he finds out we aren't home?" Elle asked as if she had read my mind.

I gulped nervously, the familiar fear settling inside of me.

"I don't know Elle." I said honestly.

"I'm scared Addy. I'm really scared." Elle said, her voice sad and small.

"I'll keep you safe Elle, I won't let anything happen to you okay? I swear" I promised.

She looked at me, and nodded slowly.

I just hoped I could keep up my promise to her, I could not let her down.

Scared and terrified about what my dad would do, I decided to go back home, to my father. It was better to get abused, than killed. He would do that-kill us, both of us. If I would go back, he wouldn't hurt Elle and finally I could keep my promise to her.

Elle was in the kitchen with Demi and so picking my right time, I tread near the front door. I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach, knowing I would probably not be able to see Elle or Demi again. Never feel safe again. Never feel free.

Taking one last look towards the kitchen, I sighed and opened the lock to the front door.

"And where do you think you're going?" Demi asked, her hands folded across her chest. 

I froze. Staring at the floor, I couldn't look into Demi's eyes no matter what I did. The guilt made my eyes tear up and I hated feeling so weak.

"Close the door Adeena" Demi said, walking towards me.

"I have to leave Demi. I can't stay here" I said, holding back my tears.

"My father will kill us both if he knows where we are." I explained.

"I can't let Elle die" I uttered, a small tear escaping.

Demi came closer to me and shut the front door herself.

I sighed and looked at her, struggling to keep in the tears.

"Look honey, your father can't do anything to you or her. I promised to keep you safe, and I will live up to that promise. You don't have to go back there. Never." Demi explained softly.

She actually cared.

The tears flowed down so effortlessly after she said that and I felt her hug me close.

"I'm s-sorry D-Demi" I cried out, knowing I had cried too much already.

"No, honey. Don't be. It's okay" she consoled me.

I cried silently, my tears staining her shirt.

"You are not going back there okay? I'll make sure you never have to sweetheart" she said, pulling away.

I nodded slowly, still clinging on to her like a lost child.

And I guess that's what I was- a lost child.

-Demi's POV-

That night itself Wilmer called up one of his friend's who luckily was a cop.

Adeena and Eliena, tired and exhausted, had fallen asleep in my old room upstairs.

"When is everyone coming back home?" Wilmer asked, referring to my family.

"Dallas won't be here for a while. Mum will be here tomorrow morning, Dad's not gonna be here for a while and Maddie's just gone for a sleepover, she'll be back tomorrow too" I answered, sipping on my coffee.

We cuddled into each other as we watched Sinister. I pecked his cheek, making him smile and me, grin cheekily.

The bell rang abruptly and Wilmer got up as I switched off the TV.

"Hey Wilmer!" the guy said walking in and hugging him.

"Demi! It's so good to see you again!" he beamed.

"You too Dave!" I chimed, giving him a hug.

"Let's sit down, yeah?" Wilmer said, leading him into the living room.

"Oh, it's been so long Will. How have you been?" Dave asked.

"I've been great! And you?" Wilmer asked.

"Just perfect" Dave answered, smiling.

"And you Demi, oh my God. You've become so famous. An inspiration. My little girls love you, and I've always adored you. Wilmer knows." Dave said to me.

I smiled wide at his comment, looking at Wilmer.

Wilmer smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"Thanks Dave! I didn't know you had daughters, I'd be glad to meet them sometime." I said.

He chuckled and nodded.

"One day, I'm sure" he said and I smiled.

"So Wilmer tells me you had some work for me?" Dave asked.

"Yeah...I want to file a report" I said getting right to it.

"What happened?" he asked immediately getting worried.

"Nothing to me, but to two small girls" I said.

He waited for me to explain further.

"Dave...I want to file a report on a father for child neglect and abuse." I said.

Dave got up abruptly, shocked and confused.

"Child neglect? Abuse? Oh my God, that's horrible." he uttered.

"It's terrifying Dave. They're afraid, the older one's always in fear. You have to help them" I demanded.

"Yes, of course. I'll get right to it Demi. But, do you know the father's name?" he asked.

I realized I didn't.

"No" I said.

"That's alright. But I should tell you, I will have to talk to the two girls before I can file a report or arrest him. It'll be easier to track him once we know his name and address" he said.

"We'll get the girls down to the police station tomorrow" Wilmer said. "They need to be protected" he added.

"Anything for the two of you" Dave said.

"We'll see you tomorrow then?" Wilmer asked getting up.

"Definitely. Come down to the station at 10, there's no rush then." he said and Wilmer and I walked him towards the front door.

"Thank you so much" Wilmer said.

"We appreciate it Dave" I added.

He hugged us both and walked out.

Before leaving in his car, he looked at me and said-

"And Demi, don't worry. I'll make sure he's put in jail for whatever he's done"

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Stay strong always❤

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