Chapter 81

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-Demi's POV-

Wilmer was awake earlier than me today. It was a weekend, and neither of us had to get to work early. I rolled to his side, placing my hand on his chest.

"Why are you up so early?" I asked, though I reckoned I knew the answer.

He faced me, and started playing with my hair, "I couldn't stop thinking about Adeena. She needs help D. She can't live like this" he said.

"I know babe. I've tried to get her to go to a therapist so many times by now. She always gets mad and walks away" I admitted sadly.

He sighed, "Well, she's a stubborn teenager but we're going to talk to her. We can't just give up. How about we try today?" he suggested.

"Sure" I said, pecking his lips lightly, and wrapping my arms around him. "Get some sleep Will" I said, as I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep once again.

-Addy's POV-

I woke up to my phone buzzing. It was Ashleigh. I groaned slightly and rolled back to my previous position. I then rolled back towards the table and accepted the call.

"Hello" I said, my voice all groggy and annoyed.

"Hey!" she chirped.

"Oh..I woke you up, didn't I?" she asked.

"No shit, Sherlock" I said, rubbing the sleep off my eyes.

" has been shit. They've been dumping a whole lot of homework on us and I've missed my best friend. So, get up and get dressed. I'm coming over by 12" she stated.

I groaned again, and I could almost imagine Ashleigh rolling her eyes. "Gee, I love you too. See you soon" she said, ignoring how tired I was and cutting the call.

I hate her.

Okay, who was I kidding?

She's the best.

I got out of bed, and took a quick shower. It felt so good to be able to feel the pleasant air on my skin, and so when I walked to the closet, I almost felt disgusted having to wear a hoodie. Nonetheless, I slipped on my adidas pink hoodie and black leggings, tying my hair up into a bun.
I made my bed and kept my phone for charging before I walked down to the kitchen.

"Good morning baby girl" Demi said, as I sat at the kitchen island.

"Morning mom" I said, giving her a smile, and picking up a glass of water.

I turned around in the chair itself, and smiled at Wilmer. "Hey Fez" I said, smirking.

He chuckled, shaking his head slightly, "Morning honey" he said.

"Mom, Ash is coming over at 12. Is that okay?" I asked.

There was silence for a few seconds. Wilmer and Demi glanced at each other, before Wilmer looked down and sipped on his coffee.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously.

"Baby girl...we need to talk you" Demi stated. She bit her lip nervously, and I glanced at her then at Wilmer.

"W-what do we need to talk about?" I asked, chuckling nervously.

"Let's talk about it in the evening alright? Ashleigh can come over anytime baby. You don't need my permission" Demi said.

I gave her a small smile, and nodded. I was scared now, overthinking everything and taking small steps as I walked to my room.

I sighed and stared at the time on my phone-11:30. I wanted to call Caelum but I knew he was at one of his sports meets. Instead, for the remaining half an hour that I had to pass until Ash arrived, I read a novel so that I could escape my crappy reality.

6:30 P.M

After a fun day with Ashleigh, I got back home from the park. We had played with some dogs, and I had fur stuck to my cotton leggings. I changed into my grey sweatpants, and I noticed my hip bone sticking out.

It's still not enough.

"Addy? You home?" I heard Wilmer ask.

"Be down in a sec!" I answered. I slipped out of my hoodie and into a full sleeved black shirt.

When I went down, I saw Demi and Wilmer on the couch in the living room. I immediately remembered the that they had something they wanted to talk. My palms got clammy, and I smiled nervously as I sat down opposite to them.

"What did you wanna talk to me about?" I asked.

Demi and Wilmer looked at each other before taking a deep breath, as if they were getting themselves ready for something big. This wasn't going to be good for me.

"Honey, Demi and I think that you should go visit a therapist. We know a few good ones, and we really think it could help you" Wilmer said.

"You told him?!" I shouted at Demi.

"Baby girl I-"

"No! How could you mom?! I trusted you. I opened up to you. W-why did you have to tell him?" I questioned.

"Adeena listen to us. I know you trusted me and I'm really glad that you do, but you can trust Wilmer too" she stated.

I realized how horrible I had sounded when I said what I said. I saw the hurt lurking in Wilmer's eyes and I instantly felt guilty.

I sighed, "Wilmer that's not what I meant. I trust you, I do. After everything that went down with my father, you were the first man who I really felt safe around. I just...I never wanted you to see me differently. I never wanted either of you to see me as someone who is weak" I explained, my eyes welling up.

"You are not weak my beautiful girl. You are a warrior; a survivor" Demi said.

I shook my head, "I don't wanna see a therapist. I'm not crazy mom" I said.

"We're not saying you are sweetheart. People who go to therapy, they aren't crazy and you need to know that. They just want to be strong. People want to be heard. They need to be told that their problems matter, that they matter. And you, my daughter, you matter the most"

"We just want what's best for you Addy. Please, let us help you" Wilmer said.

I grit my teeth, "If you want what's best for me, leave me alone!" I snapped, and got up, about to head for the stairs.

I felt Demi grab my arm, and I groaned in annoyance, before facing her. "We can't bear to see you in pain. I can see your lies Addy. I can see your pain. I can see the heartbreak that your father and has inflicted upon you. You deserve to be happy"

Her eyes were glistening with tears, and I felt a pang of guilt spread across my heart. I looked at Wilmer who was standing behind Demi, and I saw the same hope and despair in his eyes too.

Maybe I wasn't ready to do this but looking at the two people in front of me who meant the world to me, who wanted nothing but happiness for their daughter, I felt my heart warm up.

I shut my eyes, and took in a deep, shaky breath.

"I guess I could give therapy a try" I said, exhaling.

Got a little time and so I decided to update for you guys! Thank you so much for being this patient with my book. It means a lot to me❤

The next week is going to be packed since I have exams back to back. I will have a new chapter ready either by next week's Friday or Saturday.

I love you all so much. Hope you liked the chapter!

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Stay strong, always❤

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