Chapter 50

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-Adeena's POV-

He touched me. In all the wrong places.

My waist.

My legs.

My thighs.

The lust in his eyes was evident, and as he came closer to me, our faces only an inch apart, I could smell the alcohol.

I cried, screaming at him to leave me alone.


He laughed, ignoring my protests and continued to satisfy his disgusting want.

"Daddy!! Help. Me" I cried out, sobbing and doing everything I could to keep him from raping me.

My dad looked at me, and for a second guilt spread across his tired face. I knew deep down, he wanted to do something. But, soon he masked it and chose to ignore the cries of help coming from his daughter.

"D-dad. Please. Make him stop!" I screamed.

Again, he ignored me. Not caring for a minute that his older daughter for getting molested by his friend.

His hands roamed my body, and I cried out in disgust.

"HELP ME, PLEASE!" I yelled.

I gasped as I sat up straight. I was covered in sweat, and fear.

I felt someone hug me, and I immediately retracted with panic.

"No, no, no! Don't touch me, please!" I begged as the tears flowed out.

My throat started to close up. I couldn't breathe. Couldn't think.

"Hey, hey, hey. Honey, it's me. It's Demi" she said.

The lights were switched on, and I could see Demi's concerned and scared face looking right at me.

I was shaking with terror, and I was gasping for breath.

" me. I-I can't b-breathe" I croaked.

"Baby girl, focus on my voice okay?" she explained.

I nodded slowly, shutting out everything else and concentrating on her soft voice.

"Breathe in, and breathe out. Slowly, baby girl. You can do it" she urged.

My mind that was focused on only her voice, did as she said. I breathed in, and breathed out. The air filled my lungs up, and I felt better.

I sighed with relief, and she hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry I scared you" she whispered.

I shook my head to say it was alright, and let her hold me close.

"It was just a nightmare honey. It's not real" she said.

But it felt real. Everything felt real. His touch, his lust-filled eyes. He never raped me, but he did molest me and that is just as scarring.

"It was real Demi, all of it. He-he touched me, he-he..." I broke down, and couldn't say anything more.

"And I can never forget it, Demi. I can never forget it!" I cried out.

"Oh honey" Demi said, her voice laced with empathy and sadness.

"Baby...I know it's hard and I also know that something like this is very hard to forget about, but you know what? I'm here now. You're safe. You're protected. I won't let anything happen to my sweet child. I won't let anything happen to you" she stated.

I nodded, but cried softly, as the horrifying memories of my childhood haunted me over and over again. Demi embraced me, and kept me close until I pulled away.

I was terrified to be left alone, the unease and panic in me would only rise if I was alone. My eyes started to close, the tiredness starting to take over my weak body.

"Get some sleep honey. Nothing's going to happen to you. You're safe" Demi said.

"Demi?" I quaked, my voice sounding like a scared 7 year old.

"Yeah baby girl?" she asked.

"I don't want to be alone. Can you sleep in here with me?" I asked.

I felt embarrassed for asking such a thing, but Demi didn't see it that way.

"Of course honey" she said kindly.

She got under the sheets next to me, and I felt safe. She hugged me, and I let the exhaustion take over me, as I shut my eyes.

-Demi's POV-

Loud screams came from Adeena's room, and I instantly panicked. I threw the blankets off me and rushed to her room.

She was gasping for air, and was shouting. She had had a nightmare. I hugged her briefly, which only made it worse. She moved away from me, and a horrified look had taken over her face. She was terrified.

My heart broke watching her like that-wrapped up in fear, and unease. I held her as she cried, and did my best to ease her rapid heart beats.

Her anxiety was getting worse, and I didn't know what to do about it. We could try therapy, but I wasn't sure if she would agree. She was only 14, after all. And all this, was definitely too much for someone still so young.

Her fear-filled eyes not only hurt me, it angered me. It angered me that a father could be so cruel, so hateful. And yet, Adeena loved him. She was a pure soul, and he was evil. The only thing binding them to each other was blood.

But, I couldn't help but notice that when I hugged Adeena, I could feel her bones sticking out. I could feel them so realistically, as if there was no flesh on them. And just like that, all my suspicions were cleared and what stood in front of my eyes was the cold, menacing and frightening truth-my baby girl was anorexic.

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Stay strong, always❤

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