Chapter 27

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-Demi's POV-

A few weeks had passed since I had told the world about Adeena and Eliena. I was glad that my fans were so supportive, and my team was happy for me. I felt truly blessed.

Wilmer was out of town for work, and I terribly missed him but the fact that he would be home soon enough, cheered me right up!

The only thing that was left to do was admit Addy and Elle into schools. It had already been a month since schools had reopened, and if I would delay it any longer, it would be hard for them to catch up with the class.

I had shortlisted two schools based on the ones Addy and Elle had seemed to like, and now I only needed Wilmer's opinion before choosing one to enroll them in.

Right now, it was time for me to get ready and head to the studio.

-Adeena's POV-

My mind was filled up with horrible memories today, all of them including one person-my father.

I don't know what triggered these thoughts, but all I knew was that the pain I was feeling right now was unbearable.

I knew what I had to do to feel numb.

The small voices in the back of my mind urged me to grab my blade, and I willingly obeyed.

With my bedroom door locked, I sat on the floor, at the foot of my bed, holding the shiny metal in between my fingers.

I rolled up my sleeves and stared at the old cuts that had only just healed. Without thinking twice, I dragged the blade against my wrist, wincing as the pain built up.

I counted the cuts as I made them, but soon, I lost count. All I could see was my hand covered in deep red blood, the sight of it was horrifying yet it calmed my loud thoughts.

I shut my eyes, and felt the numbness take over. No tears escaped my tired eyes, no pain was evident on my face; I felt empty, completely and utterly empty.

I don't know how long it took until I pulled myself up of the floor and walked into the washroom. The blood had almost dried up, but as soon as I washed the cuts, they bled again. I grimaced as they started to sting.

I had no bandages to cover up the cuts, so I let them be until the bleeding lessened, and rolled down the sleeves of my black hoodie once they did.

I unlocked my bedroom door but kept it shut. Tired, I creeped into my bed and drifted off to sleep

When I woke, it was afternoon.

I heard a knock on my door, forcing me to sit up.

"Come in" I said.

The door opened, and I saw Wilmer.

When I saw him, I didn't see my father's friend, I only saw Wilmer.

"Hey Adeena" he said.

"Hey. You're back from your trip." I said.

He nodded, and smiled. I smiled slightly, tugging on the sleeves of my hoodie.

"Lunch is ready" he said.

I had no appetite, all I wanted was to go back to sleep.

"Can I skip it?" I asked.

His expression grew worried, and he sat down on the bed.

"Why? Is everything alright?" he asked.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Just not hungry, is all" I lied.

"We don't like it when someone skips a meal Adeena. Have something, please?" he urged.

Don't give in.

"Okay" I said, despite my demons wishes.

You stupid girl. You should know better.

"Thank you" Wilmer said and soon walked out of the room.

I dragged myself out of bed, and put on a fake smile before going downstairs.

At the table, Demi and Wilmer sat across Elle and I. There was a plate of salad, and some chicken with rice.

I played around with the food on my plate, taking small nibbles from the salad. Demi gave me a concerning look, but I faked a smile and started to eat normally. Her concerned expression soon faded, and when no one was looking, I threw away the rest of my food.

As I walked up the stairs, Demi called out.

"Addy, wait" she said.

I turned around and walked down towards her.

"I want you and Elle to check out the schools one last time before we make our decision" she said.

I nodded in agreement and soon, we all huddled around a laptop.

We went through the websites of the two schools we had shortlisted and after a while, we made our decision.

"Willmer and I will go down to the school tomorrow and get the admission done" Demi said, looking at us.

I nodded, smiling slightly. Both Elle and I walked to up the stairs, towards our rooms.

As I was about to walk into my room, Elle looked at me, and smiled.

I realized how less time I had been spending with Elle because of the things that I had been dealing with-sadness, hurt, anger.

I felt horrible for doing that and abruptly hugged her, leaving a soft kiss on her head.

"Wanna watch a movie tonight baby girl?" I asked.

She nodded happily, and I chuckled.

"Can we watch a Disney movie?" she asked.

"We can watch whatever you want Elle" I said, smiling at my little sister.

"Thanks Addy" she said, her cute dimples rising up as she smiled.

"No problem baby girl" I said.

"I love you okay?" I said, hoping she knew.

"I love you too Addy" she said, and soon ran into her room to play.

I wanted Elle to be okay. I never wanted her to feel the way I was feeling-insecure, unsafe and worthless.

She deserved a happy life, while I, didn't. My father had made sure that I understood that.

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Stay strong always❤

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