Chapter 71

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-Adeena's POV-

The Christmas holidays were almost over now. In four days, it was gonna be a brand new year and after that, back to the shitty school only to face Aurora and her squad.

I snapped back to reality and quickly hopped out of the shower, wrapping myself the towel's pleasant warmth.
I slipped into my sweater and leggings, before quickly diving back into my cosy bed to continue reading my book.

Just then, my phone pinged.



-Demi's POV-

I had just gotten off the phone with Addy's aunt. I had told her about her two nieces, and she was shocked. Honestly, shocked would be an understatement. Nonetheless, she was thrilled to be able to meet them and jumped at the opportunity when I asked her. Something told me that their meet-up was going to unravel a lot of things.

I didn't know what Adeena's and Elle's reaction would be but Wilmer had advised me not to tell them. According to him, if we did tell them, they would be hesitant but they needed to meet their blood relations; because those bonds, they can be powerful.

I hadn't yet told him about Adeena's self harm, and didn't know when I would either but I had to do it soon because as Dallas said-it truly was eating at me.

-Adeena's POV-

My hands shook as I sliced my skin with the bloody metal that I was holding between my fingers.

There goes my three days clean streak.

I wailed, as Aurora's message circled around in my head.

A-Fat bitch. Your little boyfriend is going to leave you, sooner or later, mark my words.

A-I mean, just look at him. He's hot, and well, you're not. You're not even pretty, I don't know what he sees in you. Or maybe he's just using you to make someone else jealous-guys do that you know.

A-Take my advice honey, slit your wrists and take your own life. No one loves you, no one ever will.

Maybe what she said was right. I didn't know what Caelum saw in me. I wasn't pretty-I was ugly and worthless and stupid. I wasn't deserving of someone so good, and Caelum was good.

But her last message-it stung the most.

"Take your own life

Slit your wrists

No one loves you, no one ever will"

I looked down at my arms, all covered in bright red lines, the blood dripping from them. When I no longer had place on my arms, I slipped out of my pants, placing the razor on my thighs and slashing at them.

I was broken. No one could save me now.

15 minutes later

I woke up on the washroom floor.

Why was I here?

I sat up slowly, resting my back on the washroom cabinets.

And then it hit me, I fainted. The blood loss along with the lack of food- I had no energy in my body anymore. I gasped as I looked at the amount of blood I had lost. There was a puddle of red liquid in front of me, and the blade lay aside it.

How long was I out for?

My head was pounding, my stomach growling and my irritation increasing. Weakly, I stood up. Taking a black towel, I cleaned up the blood on the floor. I slipped out of my shirt and bra, and stood under the shower.

I held in a shriek when the water came in contact with my cuts, stinging sharply, and erupting a bout of pain all through my legs.

I was taking a shower again, I didn't know why. I almost felt disgusted with myself, and I thought maybe a shower would silent my thoughts. It did. Not much, but it wasn't as bad.

I let the hot water flow down me, I was numb. I wanted so badly to cry, but no tears would escape. It was like I was completely empty on the inside, and although I used to crave to be numb, now, I crave to feel something; anything.

A knock on my washroom door brought me back to reality.

"Baby girl, you okay in there?" I heard Demi ask.

"I'm okay" I uttered.

"There's someone we want you to meet. Come down when you're done please" she said kindly.


I did as told, quickly stepping out of the shower and out of the washroom. I slipped my clothes back on, and dried my wet brown hair.

My curiosity got the best of me, and so I sprinted down the stairs. As I did, I saw someone in the living room, her back facing me. Demi saw me instantly, and motioned for the lady to turn.

I gasped as she faced me.


Hope you like the chapter! It's not my best, I'm sorry.

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Stay strong, always❤

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