Chapter 41

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-Adeena's POV-

I waved a small goodbye to Ashleigh as I got into the car.

"Looks like you made a friend, huh?" Demi asked, as she started to drive.

I smiled, "I guess I did" I said.

Demi flashed me her signature smile, and the rest of the ride was filled with music.

When I got home, I went straight to Elle's room. I opened it carefully, and saw her asleep. I smiled as I saw her at her peaceful state and closed the door quietly.

I walked to my room and shut the door, locking it in the process. As I slipped out of my clothes, I groaned out in pain.

I looked in the mirror and found a huge bruise forming along my stomach, and ribs. I moved my hair aside from my cheek, and grazed my hand along the cut.

Aurora was making my life a living hell.

"Looks like you found someone just as worthless as you, Adeena", I recalled her saying.

My heart suddenly felt heavy, and my breathing hitched as I felt the tears make their way up to my eyes. I held them back, and quickly wore my sweatshirt and leggings, before I washed my hands and face.

I applied cream on my bruises, and make-up on the cut on my cheek. As I did this, a flashback appeared in my brain; a rather saddening one.


My father was out, at a bar surely. I knew he had just lost his job, and was miserable over my mother's death.

I was alone in the living room, while Elle slept on the couch next time. I was watching TV, when abruptly, the front door opened aggressively.

I shut off the TV, and jumped up from the couch. Elle woke up, and I held her close to me.

My father stumbled inside the living room, his eyes tired and exhausted. I gulped nervously, as I took small steps back while I wrapped my hands around Elle.

Our father walked over to us, and without guilt, slapped me hard. I cried out in pain, and lost my grasp on Elle.

"Elle, run to our room, and keep the door locked!" I yelled at my little sister.

"Addy, no!" Elle protested, as she came forward to help.

"Elle, listen to me! Go!" I urged.

She looked at me with her sad eyes, but did as I said. Relief spread through me as I heard the room door lock. She was safe.

"Adeena...if you would understand how miserable you make my life, you would kill yourself!" he spat.

Horribly affected by his harsh words, my tears flowed down almost instantly.

He rolled his eyes at my weakened state, and came closer. "Such a weak, pathetic daughter I have" he stated.

He kicked me, and as I got up and slapped me again. "You think you can protect your little sister?" he mocked.

I grit my teeth, and glared at him. "I will protect her!" I said.

He laughed, and looked at me. "You're too weak to protect her, Adeena" he whispered, as he came closer to me.

I held my breath as I smelled the stink of alcohol rise from his clothes. I pushed him with all the strength I had. He stumbled back, but failed to fall.

He smirked, and came closer again. "Told you you're weak. You should listen to your father" he taunted again.

My rage grew, and my eyes turned cold. "HOW COULD YOU TURN SO HATEFUL?!" I yelled.

He stared at me, and for a second I could see something resembling pain and guilt in his eyes, but it soon disappeared.

He ignored my question, and slapped me again. A cut formed on my jaw, as I felt the blood flow down my neck. He kicked me, and left me lying on the floor.

I cried horribly, the emotional pain becoming too much for me to handle. I rocked my body back and forth as I hugged my quivering knees. Elle ran down the stairs, and hugged me.

"I'm sorry Elle. I'm so sorry" I quacked.

"Don't apologize Addy. This is daddy's fault, not yours" she said.

My tears increased, and I embraced my sister.

Today, I had turned 12, and this abuse was my father's gift. Thanks dad, I'll never forget it.

-End flashback-

I remember, days after the incident, I would use my mother's make-up, and apply them on my cut.

I kept my make-up away neatly and stared at my hideous self in the mirror.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as my eyes picked out the unending flaws of myself; of the body that I had come to hate, and the face that I had come to despise.

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Stay strong, always❤

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