Chapter 16

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-Adeena's POV-

I couldn't believe that Demi had agreed to adopt Elle and I. It was shocking and amusing at the same time.

I was more than happy that Demi wanted to adopt us, because she was someone I had come to trust, and besides, Elle loved her already.

I couldn't wipe off the wide smile on my face; everything was just so new.

That night, for the first time in so long, I had gone to sleep without crying and without any fear of getting hurt.
-Demi's POV-

3 days later

I had been going back and forth for 3 days to finish off all the legal procedures, and rightfully make Adeena and Eliena my two daughters.

I was excited, nervous and happy at the same time. Taking care of a child was a huge responsibility, on top of that, the responsibility of two kids was insane! But it was a responsibility I was glad to take upon myself.

Today was hopefully the last procedure to get through. I slipped on my heels, and eyed myself in the mirror.

You are enough.

I smiled at the self-affirmation; sort of my daily ritual.

My phone rang, it was Max.

I picked it up as I slipped on a blazer and heard him say that he was outside, waiting for me.

"Be there in 5" I said, and cut the call.

"Momma, I'm leaving! I'm meeting Marissa for lunch" I said.

"Alright honey. I love you, be safe!" I heard her say.

"I love you too Momma!" I replied as I walked towards the door

"Bye Demi!" I heard Elle and Adeena say from the living room where they were playing a board game.

"Bye angels!" I said, sending them a warm smile and shutting the door.

Kelsey and Max were in the car and as soon as I got in, I heard my song blaring on the radio and Kelsey singing her lungs out to it.

"She's been trying to hit that high note for a while now" Max stated, amusement clear on his face.

I laughed out loud, shaking my head at Kelsey's behaviour and eventually she stopped singing as the song ended. 

"D, the media's been asking a lot of questions" Kelsey said.

"I'm gonna address them soon, not now. Once everything's done, I will. Maybe on an interview, what do you think about that?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me. We could get you an interview on Ellen" she said.

"Cool" I replied, and then heard Max say, "We're here."

I could see the crowd of paprazzi out of my car and so I quickly put on my sunglasses and got down out of the car, my head down.

"Demi, please look here!"

"One picture Demi!"

"Is it true you're adopting a child?"

"Are you adopting two kids Demi?"

"Demi, here! Just one picture Demi"

"Demi, answer us Demi!"

They all spat out questions, while I remained silent and let myself be guided out the crowded area by Max, and into the office.

I met with Hayley, who was working to help me legally adopt Adeena and Eliena. Luckily, today was when all the legal formalities would finally get over.

The entire day was spent in a conference room, with papers to sign and getting them stamped with approvals.

I sighed tiredly as Hayley rushed out again to get the paper signed by someone.

After a few minutes, she walked in and I got up instantly.

With a wide smile on her face, she handed me the big black file with all the papers.

"It's all done Demi" she beamed.

"You are officially Adeena and Eliena's mother and they, your daughters!" she said excitedly.

I sighed with relief, my heart warming up with happiness. Slight tears welled up in my eyes and I quickly blinked to keep them away, though of course they were only out of happiness.

"Thank you Hayley! Thank you so much" I marveled, hugging her.

She chuckled and hugged me back.

"I'm sure you'll be a great mother Demi" she said, walking me out the door.

I hope so.

I smiled wide, thanking her and bidding goodbye with another hug.

"Take care Hayley" I said as I got into the car, thankfully not being crowded with the paparazzi at the moment.

"You too Demi!" she said, and the car sped away.

After a long catch up with Marissa at lunch, I made my way home for the evening to spend it with my family, and now my two beautiful daughters!

I was thrilled to tell Adeena and Eliena that I was finally legally their mother now. I couldn't wait to see their reaction, and the look on those gorgeous faces of theirs.

It was strange how attached I had gotten to them in such less time but I knew that this was meant to be and that them bumping into me on that evening was for this reason itself; for me to be their mother and for them to have someone to keep them safe.

When I rang the doorbell to my house, a tiny figure-Eliena opened it with a wide smile.

"Demi! You're home!" she beamed.

I let out a soft chuckle, "Yeah baby girl, I am!" I chimed.

She giggled, and as soon as I got in, there stood my family, alongside Adeena and Wilmer, with a hopeful look on their faces.

My face lit up, and I held up the black file of the legal adoption papers and screamed out excitedly, "It's done! I'm finally a mother!"

Adeena and Eliena rushed towards me, wrapping their hands around me with the happy tears flowing down all our faces.

I hugged my mom, Maddie and even Dallas who had just arrived home today; feeling their warmth and love surround me.

Wilmer kissed my lips passionately, whispering a small 'I love you' in my ear before we pulled away from the hug and I wiped away the small tears that had escaped.

"We finally have a mother Addy!" Eliena said.

Adeena smiled at her and looked at me, "Yeah Elle, we do" she agreed.

I kissed their foreheads and we all decided to go out for a small celebratory dinner.

It felt wonderful to be able to invite two little girls into my life and be able to call them my daughters. There was no doubt that my entire family adored Adeena and Eliena. I couldn't wait for the surprising and maybe scary adventures that we were going to experience as a family.

I'm glad I can write this story to take my mind off of things, so thank you to all my readers❤


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Stay strong always❤

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