Chapter 7

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-Addy's POV-

Elle and I gripped on to each other's hands as we tried to cross the busy Texas streets on a weekend evening.

I felt uncomfortable with the recent bruises on my cheek and hid them with my long hair as Elle did so too.

Elle's wounds were horrible now, blue-black bruises covered her back and arms but not once did she complain.

I had a strong sister, and I was proud of her.

We were going to the grocery store, feeling happy that I found some money left carelessly by my dad on the table near the couch.

"I'm going to buy chips!" Elle grinned as we walked into 'Shop-Rite'.

"Don't let go of my hand" I warned Elle, as she excitedly ran off towards the junk food aisle.

"Sorry" she said timidly, then grabbed packs of chips, dumping it in the cart I was holding.

I chuckled at her cuteness and grabbed a few fruits for us hoping the money we had was enough for now.

"You want anything else?" I asked Elle.

She shook her head and we walked towards the billing counter, standing in the short queue.

I could feel eyes on me, and I immediately set my hair in a way that would hide my bruises.

Once we paid for the items, I grabbed the cloth bag and gripped onto Elle's hand as we tried to make our way through the cars.

Once we were safely on the other side of the street, Elle dropped the chip bag she so lovingly held on to.

"Oops, I'm sorry" she mumbled adorably.

Before I could go grab it for her, I bumped into someone.

I tripped, falling down onto the concrete floor and winced as the ground came in contact with my recent bruises on my legs.

The contents from the bag fell out and I saw Elle pick it up instead, holding the bag in her small hands.

"Oh shit!" the woman swore and I looked up at her, her brown eyes coming in contact with mine.

She looked familiar, but I couldn't point out where I had seen her at the moment.

"You okay honey?" she asked sweetly, extending her hand out to help me up.

Feeling shy all of a sudden, I took her hand and got up, thanking her in a small voice.

She smiled at me, and when I eventually saw her face, her eyes grew wide in shock.

-Demi's POV-

"Max, I'm gonna head to the store, be back in a few minutes" I said as I got down out of my car.

As I started walking, my focus on my phone, I felt someone bump into me.

I looked up from my phone immediately, and saw two small girls, one of them who had fallen down.

"Oh shit!" I swore under my breath, and crouched down, extending my hand towards the girl.

The other girl picked up the dropped items and cutely stood aside as she watched me.

"You okay honey?" I asked worriedly, focusing my attention back on the older girl.

She looked at me, and blushed shyly. Taking my hand, she mumbled a cute 'thank you' as she got back up.

When she got up, she looked at me and my eyes immediately landed on the huge bruise on her face, the minor cuts near her lips and forehead.

My eyes grew wide, my mind jumping to conclusions.

Panic was evident in her eyes and she moved her eyes to the ground.

"I'm sorry" she uttered, moving her hair towards her face to hide the wounds.

Those wounds, they were deep.

"It was my fault sweetheart, you okay?" I asked again.

"Yeah" she uttered and held the other girl's hand in hers.

Was she okay?

Was she getting abused?

My mind started swarming with questions, thinking of answers to how she could've gotten hurt so badly.

"We have to go" she said suddenly.

"Wait!" I called out abruptly.

I needed to know.

What if she needed help?

She stopped, staring at the ground.

I moved towards her, holding a finger under her chin to make her look up at me.

"Honey, how did that happen?" I asked, referring to her wounds.

I knew I was a stranger to her but if she would let me, maybe I could help her.

Fear spread across her face, and on the other girl's too, who was clinging on to her hand.

She stayed quiet, her eyes welling up slightly.

"Hey sweetheart, it's alright." I said, my heart aching as the situation started becoming more clear.

Abruptly, she hugged me, her tears staining my shirt and I held her close, confused and worried all at the same time.

I comforted her, playing with her long hair as she sobbed silently.

"Demi" Max called out, getting down the car.

"Just give me a second Max, I'll be right back" I said.

He nodded understandingly, smiling a sympathetic smile even though he didn't know the situation.

She pulled away from me, wiping away her tears and sniffling slightly.

I looked at her, holding her hand.

"Honey, I don't know what you're going through right now but if you let me, I can help. If it's alright with you, I can take you to my house, and you can talk to me. Does that sound comfortable to you?" I asked cautiously.

She glanced at the younger girl, and then at me.

I waited patiently, hoping she would let me help her.

Then, she nodded in response and gave me a small smile as she grabbed the other girl's hand.

"Addy, Miss Samantha always says we should never talk to strangers" the younger girl uttered.

"It's okay Elle. I think we can trust her" the older girl said, smiling at me.

My eyes lit up as she said that and I smiled back, leading them towards the car.

"By the way, I'm Demi Lovato" I introduced myself, smiling at the two girls.

They looked at each other, a wide smile broke out on their faces, before the younger girl spoke up.

"We saw you on TV!" she beamed.

"You did?!" I asked happily.

"We saw you on Camp Rock" the older girl added, her voice more mature yet shy.

I smiled at her, watching their cute relationship.

"I'm Adeena" the older girl introduced herself.

"And this is Eliena, my sister" she said.

"Well, it's nice to meet you two. You have beautiful names" I said, in awe.

They looked at each other and smiled sweetly.

I didn't know what life had in store for them but right now, all I wanted was to help them.

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Stay strong always❤

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