Chapter 15

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-Demi's POV-

"I'll adopt them" I said.

I didn't realize what I had said, until I said it but I didn't regret what I said. I wanted to adopt Adeena and Eliena. Ever since I had met them, I felt a strong almost maternal instinct to protect them from any harm. Maybe it was too quick a decision, but it wasn't irrational. It was something I was sure about.

"Oh wow" Dave said, his face showing hints of amusement.

Adeena and Eliena looked at me, and immediately they wrapped their arms around me.

"You would that for us?" Adeena asked almost as if someone wanting to adopt them was something impossible.

"Oh honey, of course!" I beamed and hugged them tight.

I could see Adeena's and Eliena's eyes tear up but this time it was with a wide smile on their faces, and that was honestly, the first time they had looked truly happy ever since I had met them.

"Girls, why don't you go into your rooms and give us some time to discuss the further procedures?" Dave said politely.

Adeena nodded understandingly, and took Eliena's hand in hers and went upstairs.

I sighed with relief, as I watched them with wide smiles on their faces.

"Demi...are you sure about this baby?" Wilmer asked.

I nodded vigorously, the corners of my lips turning up into a smile.

"I'm sure Will." I said confidently.

"Demi...with your lifestyle, are you sure you're gonna be able to manage two young girls?" Dave asked.

"Dave, I can do this. I'm sure of it. Adeena and Eliena trust me and trust for them is a very fragile thing considering the things they've been through. Yes, it's been only a week but I don't know...I-I can feel it in my gut that this is a good decision" I explained.

"She's right Dave. If she feels that this is a good decision, then I support it." Wilmer said.

Oh my God, I love this man.

My eyes glistened with happiness as I heard Wilmer say that; my heart warming up.

"I am positive about this Dave. You have absolutely nothing to worry about" I urged.

Dave sighed with relief, the stress and tension that was evident on his face completely washing away.

"Well then...this has been wonderful" Dave chuckled.

Wilmer and I smiled at each other, my body filling up with optimism.

"I'll get started on all the legal procedures and by the end of this week hopefully, Demi, you will be a mother!" Dave marveled.

Oh God, I'm gonna be a mother.

"I can't wait!" I said excitedly.

Wilmer chuckled at this and laid a soft kiss on my cheek, making me blush.

"You two are adorable" Dave uttered.

I stared up at Wilmer and saw his eyes gleaming with happiness, smiling his precious smile at me.

I felt giddy with excitement but also a bit nervous, everything was happening way too soon.

I was gonna be a mother.

What would I tell my entire team?

My friends were definitely gonna freak out with excitement.

The media...oh the media is gonna be tricky.

I had so many things going on in my head but right now, in this moment, I knew what I was doing was right, no matter what anyone else had to say about it.

"Stay for dinner Dave. Come on, let's celebrate! Demi's gonna be a mother soon!" Wilmer said excitedly.

I chuckled at his enthusiasm and invited Dave for dinner, who eventually agreed after a few minutes. Wilmer gave Dave the directions to the washroom so he could wash up before dinner, leaving Wilmer and I alone.

"I have to tell everyone. This is huge Will" I said, as the reality of it all was starting to sink in.

"It really is néna. I'm sure you're gonna be a great mother" he said.

"I never thought my first kid was going to be an adopted one and definitely didn't think there be two kids!" I said.

It was all so surreal.

"Well, nothing in your life has been planned out Dems, a lot of it has been surprising and new" Wilmer said.

"Yeah" I nodded. "It has"

"Thanks for supporting me baby" I said, turning to face his gorgeous eyes.

"I'll always support you hermosa" he said looking into my eyes.

I blinked back the happy tears, and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him down to meet my lips with his.

Even now when we kissed, his touch and intensity sent sparks through my entire body and made my heart go racing. We didn't pull away for an entire minute, letting ourselves fall into the passionate, and rather heated kiss.

I pulled away for air, and lay my head on his chest, listening to his soft heart beats. I felt him pull me closer to his body and kiss my head.

"I'll always love you Will" I said, looking up at him.

"And I'll always love you D" he said, as he looked into my eyes.

Dinner time was filled with Wilmer and Dave telling us about their time in school together and cute giggles from both Eliena and Adeena. I watched them, feeling happy that I had taken up this decision.

My family was surprised when they heard my decision, and as always they was supportive and loving, and so so understanding. Yes, there was a lot that we still had to talk about but for now, they were happy for me and proud of me.

Dave soon had to leave after dinner, and Wilmer and I walked him to the door.

"We'll meet up soon, yeah?" Wilmer asked him.

"Oh, you have no idea how much legal process goes into this. We'll be seeing each other many times Will" Dave chuckled.

I laughed, and smiled at him as he left.

"Demi...I cannot thank you for the amount of stress you took off of my shoulders. I'm relieved that Adeena and Eliena are going to be sent into such a great family like yours. There's no doubt that you'll take amazing care of them, and I've seen the way you protect for them in this past week. You're gonna be a good mom to them, I'm sure" Dave said.

I smiled wide at his words. "Thank you Dave, thank you so much" I said.

"Oh, it's no problem" he chuckled.

I grinned, and Wilmer and I both waved goodbye to him as he drove off.

As soon as I shut the door, Wilmer grabbed me close to him. My heart beat fast, but I wrapped my arms around him.

"Do you have any idea how lucky I am to have you?" he asked.

I smiled cheekily, shaking my head in response.

"I am the luckiest man" he whispered.

I chuckled, the heat rushing to my cheeks.

"And I am the luckiest woman" I said.

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Stay strong always❤

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