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"what would you like to order?"

Obi kept rolling her eyes at the menu, she indeed looked like she could order everything her eyes were popping at but she won't. "Nothing seems interesting."

"Maybe you should try something different then, remember that day when you and Joyce almost burnt down Lade's kitchen because you got tired of all the recipes and wanted something new? You are giving me that look right now"

She wiggled her brows lowering the menu down to her nose tip, smile never leaving her eyes. She wished it was the same, like this should be the real page but it was reality, things were changing fast between her and the man seated across to her "We only wasted almost half a sack of charcoal...and the bitter leaf soup tasted great."

"I am seeing something enticing here baby, O-ha soup..it should taste great with tuwon shinkafa." Mide signaled to a nearby waiter.

"I am not really into deep traditional meal today." She smiled again. She was really trying to keep up with the act. "You can order their whole pounded yam...but I will go for catfish pepper soup." She nodded at the young man who was already at their table ready to take their orders. 

As she stared back at Mide, she remembered her personal moments with Harrison. she couldn't help but compare their features and remarkably, her ex topped the list of the most handsome asshole who would never tried to sabotage her image with their past.

"Just pepper soup?"

"and a bottle of water."

Mide sat up and sighed. "Great. I will go with that too."

The waiter left before he spoke again.

"I said I'm sorry for not being available last weekend."

"it is fine..it is fine. I am not just in the mood tonight."

It was a cool Tuesday night, the air was still dry and Obi wished the rain would come quickly. For the past few days, she had been trying to act fine especially when Mide called her on Sunday to apologize for bailing out on her. Here they were at their favorite eat out spot after Mide fixed a night date with her on the phone. She didn't even want to impress him or anything, so she put on a cream lace dress, just lip gloss and a pair of nude heels, yet he casually said she was looking great. Hugh! That should be an over statement She really wanted to scream at his face that he had been lying to her, that she now knows about how very evil he has been but she was afraid that he could deny and that would be worse. He must be a manipulator, and she wasn't sure she was as smart as him....yet, he wasn't smart enough to know his sealed secrets were already leaking at the sides? She would do everything to retrieve back the video without him knowing before she blow his cover. She would do anything just to do that!

"So, Lola is still staying at your place?"

"she would do the same for me if I were to be in her shoes."

"hey...I am not against her staying with you. In fact, it gives me assurance that you are fine even if I am not there. Should we just go to my place once we leave here?"

She raised her brows as if it was first time she heard him say that. Then, their order arrived allowing her to weigh her options. She didn't want to follow him, she couldn't trust him for just one second but if she didn't, Mide would know something was wrong. He would try to know until she scream at him for being such a devil, with no proof yet. If she followed him, it was likely he would want them to have sex...and the question might pop up that, 'don't you love me anymore?' love? She couldn't even answer the question herself. About few weeks ago, he was kneeling down before her, asking her to be the mother of his kids, the only woman in his life but the story changed a couple of days later. Looking at him, the 'I love you' he mouthed sounds like 'I'm fooling you'...

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