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"Lol! You are not helping"

"Of course I'm about to go crazy that you are not seeing what I'm seeing"

"What am I to do with you?"

"I am so much loving this that I want to rip you into three right now!"

Bisola was laughing. She closed the silver box and pushed it to the rest waiting at the foot of the bed.

Obi was playing a game she just downloaded on her phone but the way her friend kept talking was distracting her.

Lola packed off three dresses from the rack, holding them to her chest. "Seriously I need my own Paul right now. Tell me the one you are wearing to meet your in-laws!"

Obi laughed. Lola was worse sometimes. She remembered how she argued with Paul to pick the Burgundy but he said she should try the silver and aqua green. Of course they all looked fabulous on her and very tempting as well to buy them. He didn't even listen to her opinion when he ordered for five dresses. She kept two deep inside her wardrobe and hung the three with the rest which are still new.

She couldn't believe weekend was here and the past few days went in a blur. From the hospital to the house. Oh yes, she settled with Sarah's mother who wasn't even aware who her daughter's boss was before. Paul had invited them to dine in town and it was wonderful Lolu tagged along. She was the replica of her mother but literally, she was one outspoken beautiful young girl.

Yesterday, Harrison told her they were returning home. She wanted to argue but it was no use with him. Getting back, everything was back in things and staff as if nothing happened except for security reinforcements.

Lola and her personal assistant who were waiting for her pounced as soon as Paul stopped the car. Her best friend being naughty Lol, dragged her to a corner to ask,

'Tell me how your pre-honeymoon went' she was smiling mischievously at her waiting for the juice.

'Nothing happened' Obi had shook her head at her pitiably, knowing what she meant.

'What do you mean nothing happened? Or you don't know what I'm talking about?'

'No no no no....Lol! We only stayed in a house like two normal humans'

'You are lying or are you playing hard to get, or you don't want to tell me'

Obi snorted. "How many things do you want me to answer at a time?'


'Okay. We slept on the same bed, eat and sleep....nothing else interesting'

'Wait. He didn't make a move or you turned him down?'

'Lol!' She had yelled making Nick and George raised their heads at them but continued when she swatted her on the arm. 'You are too dirty minded. No, we just respect each other opinion to wait.'

Lola had started laughing hysterically. 'I know you are not a virgin....the sexual tension is in the air and I want you to wash that devil's hand from your body.'

'okay fine.'

'Fine what?'

'we kissed....almost there but nothing happened afterwards.'

'what? What happened? Who killed the show? Don't tell me it's you or else I will strangle you right now'

Obi had laughed and shrugged her off. She wouldn't disclose the details when nothing happened in the end.

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