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Harrison messed up her dreams badly. It was torture of horny moments and she swore when she woke up never to think of him for sometime no matter what, unfortunately she failed. She managed to drag her foot to the shower after she tried to fix a plan on how to get herself out of this mess.

"This...this...no. I think I will go with this since it is cold." Obi dropped a gray turtle neck sweatshirt on the bed. Her whole wardrobe had crumbled out in search of what she wanted to wear to Mide's place, making her room untidy that she was even stepping on the clothes.

Yes, she was going to his house to see him. She was going to confront him and end their stupid baseless engagement for good.

Well, she wouldn't have made up her mind to go against Harrison's arrogant plea. She spent the two previous night dreaming of how he kissed her and every time she woke up, she hated herself for dreaming about it. To top it all, he didn't bother to check on her if she agreed or not. Why should he even bother? He wouldn't care about her. since these past two days, she hadn't set her eyes on Mide either. He didn't come to the office and neither did he pick her calls and she wondered if he knew Harrison had hinted her about him. she was trying hard not to believe him but silence was not helping her doubts. She was confused who to side but for now, that egoistic man got almost three stars on her rating list. On a normal day while she and Mide were friends, they called each other frequently and even if they fought, one would be standing at the doorstep of the other the next morning. Thus, this absence of him made her restless and she needed to hear the truth from him.

Since it was Saturday, Lola went to the office to finish up some work that turned overtime for her and here she was, dressing up to storm her fiance's house to demand why he wanted to destroy her life. Obi finished putting on her blue jeans and sweatshirt and a black air max, her hair was wrapped into a doughnut. Quickly she grabbed a pen and wrote where she was going in case her friend got home before her. she locked the apartment door and walked across the street looking for a taxi.

Soon she was on the way to Mide's house. the fact was she didn't know what to say if what that ego filled man said was actually true. What would happen? How would she react? Would she be able to cope if the truth was actually naked? She paid the cab driver and eyed the building that stood within a low fence property, she once admired this place, even she and Mide were planning on getting a new place before they celebrate their wedding but lately she was beginning to get cold of it. The last time she was here was when Mide had brought her here after their sucking date, and Lola dumping ice on him with her dramas. The thought alone almost made her smile as she walked across to press the button. From the outside through the iron gate she could see his car in the driveway....He was home. then, he saw two other black SUVs parked behind it....he had visitors. Great! Who could it be? She pressed the doorbell three times that felt like forever before the front door flung aside to reveal Mide in his jeans and black body hug that revealed his taunting muscles. Great!

The last time she saw that, she didn't appreciate it. it made her want to gag as she remembered how Lola came to the rescue.

He raised his eyes as though he was surprised to see her. "O-Obi"

She masked her face as if it was fine too. She was picturing in her mind the type of excuses he had planned to tell her for not seeing him for the past two days. Shouldn't he be doting on his Fiance? Would he keep pretending like all was still well? Well...till they got inside and he would have to answer to her by all means.

"For the past two days, no calls and you refused to pick my calls ". She gritted her teeth as he opened the gate for her.

She stomped to the front door,without looking at him over her shoulder. Her mind racing that he was having company and that pressed her nerves curiously to know who has been home with him for him to totally forget about her. Could it be another woman! Crap, she didn't know what she would do if it turned out to be true but for a traitor like him, she shouldn't be too sure if he was also cheating on her.

"I, for one, want to know what my so called man has been up to! You didn't show up for work, no calls and here you are looking cool as if nothing is happening." She placed her hand on the knob, hesitating about going in. She could smell trouble when he didn't reply, which made her turn to face him.

"Obi...." her name came out like a plea. Mide looked like he was tired of her ranting. "Can we go inside and talk?"

Oh, now he called her Obi, no remorsefulness, no guilt! He surely must be forming those nice attitude. No Son of a great politician would act so good, they always behaved so egoistic in nature.

"I see you have important guest that I'm dying to know. "

"You are starting to attract passerby"... He reached the knob, brushing her sweat and opened the door for her.

She entered the lobby and then the sitting room expecting to see any sort of imaginabe woman inside but the scene that greeted her almost scrubbed out her eyes from their sockets. Thud! The sound of the door Mide shut after them shook her on her feet. There were men and not just any type, they were looking strange, dangerously dressed in black pants and shirts and they had smoke puffing cigarettes into the air. This must be a wrong apartment! Empty beer bottles and half drunken ones were on the table and floor. They would be more than 10 in number and they seem to be discussing something. Her arrival must have shifted their mood. Slowly, Harry's voice seemed to taking effect at the back of her mind. He clearly warned her...she didn't want to believe, well....

"w-what is t-this? " she stuttered as shivers crawl over her skin.

"The slut finally came on her own." the voice seemed to bring her back to reality. Mide's remark made anger rush through her. But she couldn't say anything since she didn't know the situation she found herself in.

"You finally undo the bitch, guy" her eyes travelled around the room to locate who just called her that. Ah, there he was sitting on her once favourite love sofa. The man's bloodshot eyes held hers dangerously. His muscles that budged through his black body hug are enough to scare children to bed. Tattoos running on every exposed skin on his body.

This was a bad idea! A very very bad idea.

She was warned but her curiosity didn't let her be and now she was in danger of no return.... In the front of the real wolf that pretended to be sheep and in the midst of his pack where snarky teeth and sloppy tongues feasted on her dreamily.

"This is trouble.... I'm in deep trouble!" She thought to herself

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