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Obi felt awkward through out the meeting. He was distant, so blunt and leveled up with the rumours about him without a cough. He didn't even give her a glance the second time even though she wished she wasn't even there either.

The meeting didn't last for an hour. Just seated there, the aura around him showed he was not the man that left her three years ago. They probably looked alike. He looked powerful, like he could snap a neck easily with his bare hands if anyone crosses his path.

Obi rushed to get herself a cup of water from the water dispenser in the corner of her office as soon as she got a chance to run out of the conference room. Mide threw her a calm look but had to stay back for a brief meeting after the CEO left... t-the CEO?

Paul Harrison was the man she heard in rumors? savaging and ruthless? It was unbearable for her throughout the meeting that she didn't pay attention to half of what he said. Her gaze were locked on his face to check if it was really him. In fact, the Harry she knew was just a small agropreneur person who loved his catfish business. He lived in a two bedroom room apartment that barely had four hours light in two days and drove a second hand pencil Camry. She could remember vividly how she usually go to his house after lectures during her final year with her friend and roommate, Joyce. Then, Mide was the only friend she knew was close to him. Just like the gorgeous and perfect small-business minded Harry she met at one of her friends' VC convocation cocktail, he looked unaffected by things going on around him. She sighed when she remembered how the director introduced him as ' Harrison Paul Adeleke'. He didn't lie about his name but it still felt like he lied about his name at the same time.

She squeezed the disposable cup before throwing it in the trash can beside the door when she remembered the 'video' that they made together three years ago. She felt a tight knot in the lower part of her stomach that she dig her nails into her palms, then leaned on the wall reflecting how it all happened that she did not even realize it quickly. Did he remember the video at all?....no don't think about that....that's a wrong chord. Did he know she was working in his company and hell she didn't even realize?

How come Mide appeared so calm seated next to him? He was a guy, he should be collected no matter the situation. But was she hallucinating that she saw Harrison? The look in his eyes, pause in his statement made her know he still remembers her but the way he left without a look over his shoulder made her also realize she was still hurting like when he left her.

Hurrying over to her desk she switched on her laptop, tapping the table with her fingers as she waited impatiently for it to finish booting. Her fingers flew across the keyboard as she typed his name in the search box. Google gave her not very much of the best since his father's name and pictures occupied most of the results found. She swallowed hard when she saw about three articles about Adeleke Harrison in some gossip magazines, she clicked on one and saw just two of his pictures, obviously they were taken unaware during one business meeting or the other. In the two he looked like the Harry she knew, reserved, gentle with his warm contagious smile. The third one was how he might soon be taking over Klerg since his father made mention of something like that due to health reasons. Further ways to get Harry talk about it were shut off as he doesn't celebrate such ideas since his father still head Klerg.
Obi slouched back in her seat that she didn't know when Lola walked in.

"Knock-knock" that was Lola's way of announcing her presence whenever she stop by her office.

"Hey Lol." Obi said dryly.

Lola studied her gloom feature for some seconds. "Hey chill... I heard Mr. strict business said before we came in that he has pardon us all for coming late to the meeting."

She bit into her lower lip to feign a weak smile. "I was just taken back a little."

"Hm-mm" her friend sat before her desk facing her. "Actually instead of you looking like hey I just think I might loose my job soon, do you know the first thing I thought about him?"

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