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The table was not so quiet.

It was just 3 people whose forks and knives were digging into the poundo yam that was prepared. Nick kept disturbing Obi how the vegetables tasted like his mom's just that she hated locust bean, while Sarah was quietly sitting next to her.

Harrison refused to show up at the table. As Obi cut her morsel with knife, she felt like stabbing it at the same time. Maybe work was becoming tedious and he has to finish some. Then why did he tell Sarah he was coming home for dinner and then locked himself in his room? Why did she even join her to prepare the poundo?

"I haven't tasted snails for like 6 months now. Hmmmm" Nick said, drawing closely to Obi's left hear to chew loudly.

Sarah laughed when she frowned at him.

"I hope you've not been following those yahoo boys (internet fraudsters) around? We don't even know where you go during the day." she dropped her fork. "I don't know you have this annoying side of you."

"I don't need to scam people. It will be weird considering some facts." he gave a thumbs to Sarah. "Auntie.... You are very good in the kitchen."

"Madam prepared the vegetables." Sarah replied.

Obi raised a self satisfactorily brows at him when he pretended to choke. "So much for the guy that can't even cook anything."

"what? I can cook..."

"pepper soup that is 100% peppery? Just eat this with love Nick, and you're welcome. You can't develop an ulcer. "

"don't tell me you're going to torment me like this forever?" he looked serious.

"I don't mind" she smiled at him.

Dinner was over. Sarah was loading the dishwasher when Obi prepared some dishes and soon was about to climb the stairs.

"uh...where are you going? Do you keep food beside your bed to eat at night?" Nick asked from the sitting room. He was watching sport on the TV.

"And if I do?"

He gasped. "I thought I was the only one!"

She scoffed at him. "where is your brother's room? He didn't come down for dinner, so I'm taking this to him."

"How will he last if you as his fiance doesn't even know his bedroom and you live together in this house?"

"Last? Nick!" she frowned at him. She didn't know he teases so much.

"He's not in his bedroom."

Her eyes almost popped out. "He left already?"

"He is in the gym."

Her mouth formed an 'O' shape. Why gym this late when they should be discussing this wedding of a thing? Last night he was full of himself when promising her they would talk about it during dinner but he didn't.
Not waiting for Nick to tease her, she turned around the stairs, her eyes darting between five doors to figure which one led there. Nick once gave her a tour of the house but one could easily get lost. With a determined step, she chose the second one.

"You know that led to the pool house right?" Nick said. She could hear him snicker.

"I know and that is why I'm heading this way." she quickly turned to the third one and entered before he could give another annoying remark. The door led to a long passage with dim light hanging on the walls. The rug felt soft under her flops, silence enveloping her. The only sound she could hear was her own breath. The passage bent a little into a corner, she saw steps going down and stopping at a door. It was too quiet for her liking. Maybe she should turn back. Maybe this was a door that lead to somewhere filled with black magic. Ugh! Too much of Yoruba movies. Maybe it leads somewhere she shouldn't be.... Then she heard the first sound. A grunt. Another one followed with a thud. A loud grunt. She could hear it like someone punching a bag. She hurried down the steps, careful not to tip the tray in her hand.

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