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Harrison frowned at the screen, his pen dancing on the notepad next to him as he used the other hand to loosen his tie. "Dad, please."

"What rubbish is this Harry? I thought we have an agreement." came the voice through the speaker.

"we are coming to see you nextweek. Because I have to be in Italy before the year ends. I know we have an agreement but you know why I can't keep to it. How is your vacation going?"

"Cut that crap right now! We are supposed to announce your wedding to Isabelle this month and you broke the net with this? This is outrageous."

He sighed leaning back into his leather chair. "This woman is going to make me happy forever."

"Isn't she the one Mide was supposed to marry?"

Silence. Tick tock....tick tock....tick...toc-

Harrison stared angrily back at his phone before tearing his eyes away to bore an imaginary hole into the wall. He has been expecting this blow but not from him. Not like this.

"I guess your silence means my sources are correct. There is no way you are bringing her into this family."

"No. She wasn't engaged to anyone. They were just friends and it wasn't more than that. Dad, I will see you next Saturday and please remember to tell mum to pick her phone." he reached out to press a key on the laptop keyboard and the screen went blank.

He swore under his breath as he tried to push out whatever that man was trying to do out of his mind. He never tried to reason with him concerning this aspect of his life and it was really not going down well with him. Time to get his shits together, he thought. He picked up his phone to call Michel.

"Find out a good restaurant and reserve a table for two."

"Yes sir"

He dropped the call and quickly texted Obi.

'we are eating out. Be ready by 8pm'

This was all a charade but he was going to try more than that. He wasn't seeking the permission in his heart to know if he could try loving her the way he used to. He knew Mide was in Abuja and he was staying in a bungalow house in Area 5, he rented a car for a month and has been pretending to be a SIM card sales boy because he wanted to see the southern senator, Solomon Sanusi.

He has been blinded enough with lies, misconceptions and acts. He didn't know what came over him to leave her like that in the first place. Had it been he stayed with Obi kwarthar, his life would be meaningful than this. Yes, everyone would go wild about having a baby before marriage but he knew it won't last a second because he would have proposed to her by then, undoubtedly, she would say yes. Both were in love by that time. They would have been together through the nine months, watching their baby grow into a beautiful boy or girl. He just couldn't keep hiding his feelings when she persisted on food yesterday. He couldn't bare it anymore to pretend he wasn't aware of what happened to her. He was only trying to keep his anger at bay for what Mide did to her. To them.

He already swore he was not going to have anything to do with her but here was he with her storming his heart. He was going to get his revenge on Mide, he swore he was going to do that! He was just waiting for the perfect timing.

He bit his lower lip, just imagining how Obi would go mad if she knew what his plans really were. But the anger couldn't be compared to how she has been affecting his sense of thinking, her familiar scent was accustoming itself to him again. He had seen their pictures together on the internet after the birthday dinner they went to. He loved every moment of it.

He admitted mentally that he was jealous when he saw her in that seductress dress. He felt like ordering her to wear something that covered her from head to toe but they were going to a state function, secondly, Obi would refuse. Her makeup made her look more gorgeous, especially her lips, her pouting sexy lips. She had him tortured as he sat next to her to the venue with her long beautiful legs that crossed each other, her shoulders were same like the last time he remembered them. Slender, smooth and beautiful. When he got to the part where her chest moved slowly up and down, he quickly averted his eyes. Those lips were the ones he kissed several nights and mornings, those legs always loved to wrap around him whenever he hit that spot that made her shudder around him in delight, those arms were the perfect safety that cuddled his head when he released the tension pleasure has built in his body. He managed all these pictures in his mind till they goy to the venue. He managed to whisk her around, away from those prying eyes. He managed the jealousy, he saw the wanting but he already had the mind of not letting anyone have a say in her beauty. Thank God she drank, it was the perfect excuse to hide her away from those womanwhores who did not mind mixing business with pleasure.

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