"What are 'vines'?"

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      *Authours Note: this is my first fic and it's  going to be really unedited so uhh yeah I hope you enjoy I'll try my best yEET*

 Peter ran into the compound with an excited aura surrounding him. Happy, who's been dealing with him since day one, knew not to ask or talk to him, for in this mood, Peter could talk for hours. The reason why he was at the compound was simply because today was Thursday, which was the day that he got to work with Mr. Stark on the suit.

When he got to the lab, he tossed his backpack onto the ground, making Tony look up at him from his work. Peter smiled. "Hi, Mr. Stark!" Tony rolled his eyes.

"Can't you call me Tony?" He asked without any heat behind it. Peter shrugged and sat down beside him, waiting for direction. Tony sighed and turned to him. "Okay, I have a few planned ideas for upgrades. What about you?" 

Peter nods. "Yeah, I was thinking we could make the parachute be able to dissolve in water. 'Cause remember when I got trapped in mine?" Tony winced and nodded.

"Yeah, I try to forget. I think we can make that work, do you think you can make a formula for a 'dissolving parachute'?" He asks. Peter immediately gets up and grabs a marker, heading to his small corner of the lab.

Tony had tried getting Peter a bigger lab, but he kindly refused saying that he likes the small clean corner he has already. Tony thought secretly it was just because Peter didn't want to trouble him, but he never asked Peter about it because he gets touchy around the subject.

Tony worked on coding the suit, adding more web combinations and strengthening the code so it would be even more impossible to hack. He glanced over at Peter a few times to see how far he was getting. The first few times there was very little on the white board, but soon it started to gradually expand into scribbles and numbers.

"I GOT IT!" Tony jumps and glances over at the kid, whose hanging down from the ceiling, looking at the extensive amount of small words and numbers written upside down. Tony screeches in surprise and Peter falls off the ceiling.

"Are you okay?!" Tony asks, recovering from the shock of seeing his kid hanging off the ceiling. Tony runs over to Peter, who's on his back staring at the ceiling. He nods and Tony helps him up. He takes a shuddering breath. "OKAY, well, let's pack up here. We'll go get food. You hungry, kid?"

Peter shakes his head the same time his stomach growls, making Tony raise his eyebrow. He smiles awkwardly and nods. And just like that, they're in the car on their way to a fast food restaurant.

On the way there, they talk about music they like, what their go-to food order is, etcetera until Peter stops talking mid sentence.

"Yeah I usually get a burger and-rOAD WORK AHEAD, UH, YEAH, I SURE HOPE IT DOES-a burger, fries, and a 10 piece chicken nugget meal." He says simply. Tony glances at him a few times as I find he's insane. "What?" He asks, suddenly self conscious. 

"Why did you cut your sentence to say that?" He asks. Peter squints in confusion.

"Cut my sentence to say what?" He asks, clearly puzzled by what Tony so accusing him of.

Tony rolls his eyes. "Nevermind, kid." 

Peter stares at him and mutters a very uncharacteristically nervous "Okay."


When they get there, order and sit down, Tony asks him about school.

"So? What about school, huh? Got any crushes?" He asks teasingly. Peter blushes and stuffs his face with fries. Tony gasps dramatically. "You do! You do have a crush! Who is it?" He asks

Peter quickly swallows his fries. "StaHHPP." He says.

"Come on underoos, you can tell me! I promise I won't tell." Tony teases.


"Awww, why not?"

Finally Peter stands up dramatically. "I'm sensitive, aUBREY."

Tony blinks in confusion and Peter sits down, stuffing his face with food again. Tony shrugs it off again and picks up his drink.

"Wait, Peter did you get me any ice?" He asks. Peter shakes his head. "Do YOU have any ice?" He questions.

Peter again, shakes his head and talks in a bad southern accent. "I do not, I just have freezable fruit shapes." 

Tony squints. "What? Why?" He begins thinking; 'Why was his kid acting so weird, why was he saying these weird things...'

Peter leans forward and steals one of his fries. "Just because." He says simply, still in a southern accent. Tony slams his drink down on the table and Peter looks up, suddenly nervous.

"What are you saying?!" Tony whisper-screeches. Peter gulps.

"They're called vines, Mr.Stark." 

"What are 'vines'?"

And that's how they spent the rest of the night watching vine compilations, resulting in a very meme-educated Tony Stark and a very happy Peter Parker.


Welp that was it. Hope you enjoyed the first chapter, sorry it was so short. Oof.

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