May? Having a lovelife? Don't know her

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Peter walks in to the living room after school. May and Happy sit on the couch, talking while eating scones. It reminds him of the time about a year ago where Tony decided to take him to fight Captain America in Germany. 

He dropped his backpack and slowly took out his earbuds. They didn't notice he was home yet. Peter smiles as an idea forms in his head. He creeps around the couch and hops over it, sitting in between them. They jump. Peter steals a scone.

"Heyyyyy." Peter says, smiling at them. He quickly notices two things. 

May and Happy both have a look of guilt on their face.

Happy looks happy.

Peter's smile slowly turns into a look of suspicion. He narrows his eyes at Happy. He gets up quickly and heads to the door. Happy quickly says goodbye and leaves.

Peter slowly turns to May. She smiles guilty at him.

"What just happened?" Peter asks, confusion and suspicion painted all over his expression. May sighs.

She falls back on the couch dramatically, and Peter raises an eyebrow. May covers her eyes with her hands. "I'm not supposed to do this, Pete." She says quietly.

Peter immediately becomes concerned. "What? What's wrong?"

May laughs dryly and looks at him with wet eyes. "I'm not supposed to fall in love."

Peter's eyes widen, and his mouth opens slightly. "With... Happy?" He asks.

May nods and wipes the tears from her face. Peter doesn't know exactly what he's doing, but it feels right when he gets up and hugs her.

"It's okay, May. I'm sure that Ben would want you to be happy. He wouldn't want you alone." Peter says soothingly. May smiles sadly.

"And what about you, Peter?" She looks at him. "I have you. And you're very protective."

He smiles. "I want you to be happy, May. And Happy's a nice guy. I think. I don't know, he doesn't really talk to me." They laugh a little.

Peter pulls away from the hug, and May wipes the last of her tears away. "Thank you, Peter."

Peter gives her a warm smile. "Of course, Aunt May."


Sorry it's short :/

Should I create a part two where Tony and Peter play matchmaker?

*written for @Kirimilliganhadlen *

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