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THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!! Us writers can't do this without you:) 

Your comments inspire me to write the next chapter, so thank you for any comment anybody has every left on my stories.

NOW ONTO QUESTIONS!!! (You can answer them if you want or just ignore this chapter lol)

1. What was your favourite chapter? (Extra: Why?)

2. Any questions for me?

3. What would you like to see more of?

4. Any tropes/prompts you would like me to avoid (please add a reason if you answer this one)

5. Overall thoughts about a certain chapter or the entire book?

6. Do you like answering these questions?

7. Memorable moments from the story that you really liked for some reason? 

(I'm asking these questions because: I'm genuinely curious, some of them are helpful to future chapters and it's fun:)


^^some art Misoline_Explorer did for Smithereens PT

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^^some art Misoline_Explorer did for Smithereens PT.2❤️✨❤️❤️✨❤️✨

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