Classified Data.28(Peter's Suit15)

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Suit activated at 6:32pm

1 slice in fabric made at 6:56pm on the right shoulder

Tony Stark Contacted

Suit sent to Peter Parker's address at 7:02pm following the Parker Fudged Protocol™︎-(if one dent is made in the suit or it's mask, the suit is immediately sent home without consent of the wearer)-

Suit powered down at 7:03pm

Suit activated at 10:14pm

Past Bedtime Protocol™︎ activated-(if wearer is in the activated suit past 10:00pm without permission from the maker, the suit gets immediately powered down until further notice)-

Suit powered down at 10:15pm


Suit activated at 12:03am

Past Bedtime Protocol™︎ activated

Past Bedtime Protocol™︎ deactivated

Baby Monitor Protocol™︎ in use by someone other than the wearer- - access granted by Tony Stark

May Parker has been given access to the suit code

Past Bedtime Protocol™︎ reinstated and activated

Suit powered down at 12:34am


Suit activated at 7:00pm

Parker Protocol™︎-(made by outside source-a stylized way of searching for crime that doesn't involve being watched by camera, or Tony Stark (authourized by Peter Benjamin Parker))-

Parker Protocol™︎disengaged immediately by the Stark Protocol™︎ -(any Protocol by an outside source is quickly evaporated because they're most likely made by a teenager who thinks they know everything (authorized by Anthony Edward Stark))

Suit put under vigorous attack at 9:46pm—technology with simple coding needing repairs right away

Suit out under intense chemical gasses at 10:21—medical attention recommended—technology with simple and difficult coding needing repairs right away 

Nurse Joy Protocol™︎ activated-(the wearer is instantly being assessed by computers to find the problems of health concern, and location sent to maker of suit)

You Done Messed Up Protocol™︎ activated-(the suit begins repairing its coding before damage becomes unable to repair. If damage is too bad, creator of the suit is notified right away)

Mr. Stark notified—location sent

Suit powered down at 12:47am

A/N: ok weird little chapter. Thought I'd try something new. Thoughts?

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