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"Hey, Karen?"

It was quiet evening, and this was said through a yawn. Peter sat with his back against a roof cooling unit.

"Yes, Peter?"

Peter liked to chat with Karen when he could. He's learned from Tony that these technologies were as human as people when it came to conversation, and even JARVIS had his moments of what seemed like empathy.

Plus, it got lonely on the job. Karen was good company,

"Are you grateful for anything?" Peter asks curiously. How human was Karen, really?

"I don't understand the question, Peter. Perhaps you could rephrase it for me?"

"Are you grateful for anything?" Peter repeats. "You know, like, dog pictures or uh, music, or something."

"I don't suppose I can be grateful for anything," Karen explains with a voice that sounds quite introspective for being programmed. "If I were to be human, my answer would be along the lines of the people who have improved my ability to help, such as yourself and Tony Stark."

"That's a good answer," Peter hums. "I'm grateful for people like that too. Like May, and Ned, and MJ... Tony is on both of our lists of people we're grateful for. That's cool."

Karen was programmed to continue conversations with Peter when she could, so she urged him to continue with some friendly small talk.

"What else are you grateful for?"

Peter closes his eyes and leans his head against the cooling unit. "All sorts of stuff. I'm grateful for sunshine, rain, and food... Uh. I'm grateful for shelter."

He continues to list things, trailing off and rambling and talking for what could have been thirty minutes. This entire time, Karen remains quiet and listening.

"I'm grateful for you too, Karen. You help me a bunch on missions 'n stuff. Thank you."

"I'm programmed to help," Karen says cheerfully, "so you're very welcome, Peter."

The silence floats between them for a moment, and Peter yawns again.

"Perhaps you should call it an early night." Karen suggests. "There are no reports of crime in the area, and it's getting late."

Peter nods and stands up to stretch. "Good idea, Karen."

a/n: guys I just love Karen a lot and I miss her :-((( #bringkarenback

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