Mind Control

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"Wait—What is he doing?" Rhodey asks quickly.

"I—I don't know?" Peter tilts his head in confusion.

Tony had been hit. He went down for a second and then got back up, but he was completely silent on comms. Then he slowly turns to Peter.

"Mr. Stark?" He asks. "You good?"

Tony doesn't respond verbally. Instead, he raises his hand to Peter, the repulsive glowing in his face. Peter furrows his brows, and then he feels the prickling feeling at the back of his neck. He widens his eyes.

"Kid, he's headed for you—" Rhodey warns quickly. Peter ducks just as Tony fires.

"What the hell?" Peter shouts, flipping around and dodging Tony's attacks. "Mr. Stark, what are you doing?? This isn't target practice."

They were both waiting for something. Maybe for Tony to stop shooting, or at least for a message over comms that explains why he's shooting at them.

Rhodey knows that the suits could have been hacked a while back, considering he was a victim of that situation. But that was years ago, and Tony has definitely changed and strengthened the coding so something like that could never happen again.

That leaves the possibility of Tony being hit with some sort of mind altering drug or he's just trying to train Peter in some bizarre way. Rhodey figures the first one. Tony would never try to hurt his kids, and he definitely wouldn't fire at them. There was also the point that Tony doesn't even want to train Peter at all, but he knows he should in case something as dangerous as the Battle of the Infinity Stones.

Tony doesn't stop firing. Rhodey steps in, trying to stop him. "Tony! Get your head in the game, man. C'mon. Hey."

Tony seems to completely ignore his best friend, pushing past the War Machine suit and still firing at Peter.

"Hey! Peter, start doing your thing. Don't let him hit you," Rhodey directs.

"Okay, Mr. Rhodey." Peter calls back, starting to web Tony's suit's arms to the concrete.

Tony struggles and breaks through with repulsor blasts. Because of this, Rhodey goes flying backwards. The War Machine suit gets damaged from being thrown against metal and the blast itself, but Rhodey is still able to talk.

"Peter, get out of there!" He shouts.

"I can't do that," Peter says back, dodging another attack. "I can't just leave him, Colonel. Not after what happened."

Rhodey lets out a frustrated breath. "You're real annoying. You know that?"

"Yep," Peter says, not exactly paying attention to what Rhodey was actually saying. Rhodey simply rolls his eyes.

Peter keeps dodging for a bit, but Tony seems to be picking up his patterns. He's able to strike him in the chest with a blast, and Peter falls.

"Mr. Stark—!" Peter yelps. He sucks in a tight breath through clenched teeth. He's not sure he likes being an enemy of Iron Man. Go figure.

Tony steps quickly back over to him, going to throw a punch. Peter catches it. "Mr. Stark, you have to stop! Come on, Mr. Stark. Just block it out."

Still not an answer from Tony. He remains dead silent the whole time, the only thing being heard from him is there clanging of metal as he makes a sharp move or the whining of his repulsors as they power up. Peter finds the silence somehow more threatening.

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