Peter's Secrets

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Peter turns to the security camera.

"I bet nobody watches these. I could probably reveal my deepest darkest secrets on this camera."

A few hours later, sitting lazily on the ceiling, he does.

"I think of Mr. Stark as a really cool dad."

"I'm pretty sure MJ likes me and I like her a lot too."

"I appreciate Ned a lot."

"As John Mulaney says, I'm probably gay based on the way I've talked and acted my whole life."

"I'm worried some day I won't make it on a mission and I won't be able to protect May and my friends."

"I miss my parents and I hate that I don't remember them all that well."

"Sometimes I'm worried Uncle Ben would be disappointed in me."

"I don't think Mr. Stark actually cares about me. He probably thinks I'm annoying."

"Deadpool tried to team up with me but I told him no."

"All the people who have died in my life is probably a result of my actions, and I hate myself for it."

If Tony randomly started hugging Peter, he never made the connection it was because of a few secrets he shared over the security cameras.

A/N: There's a bigger update coming soon:)

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