The Breakup

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Tony hadn't heard from Peter all weekend.

What was strange about this was that he was supposed to come over on Sunday, and he hadn't. Tony decided to take some measures.

He knocked on Peter's apartment door, a tired expression on his face but his posture showing he was worried by the way he tapped his foot on the floor.

May opened the door. Her eyes softened. "Did you come here to cheer him up?"

"Huh?" Tony asked in confusion. "No, I was worried about him. He didn't show up today. What happened?"

"Oh. He didn't tell you," May furrowed her eyebrows. "I guess he's a lot more upset than I thought."

She steps away from the door, and Tony walks in.

"Careful. He's fragile," May says.

Tony nods and walks to Peter's room, knocking on the door and then he walking in.

Peter's wrapped up in a blanket with tears running down his face. The room is dark, and Taylor Swift music is playing quietly from his phone. He's eating from a tub of ice cream.

Tony instantly pieces it together. He turns on the light, and Peter frowns and covers his face with the blanket.

"Hey, kiddo," Tony says quietly. "How about we get up? I've got some errands to run, I want you to come with me."

Peter doesn't move from the blanket. "No thank you, Mr. Stark," he says in a small, broken voice.

Tony sighs. "Kid, how long have you been like this?"

"Three days?"

"Peter," Tony says firmly. "This isn't healthy. C'mon, get up."

"Nooooo," Peter groans, curling up in the blankets.

"Fine. I'll leave without you in about ten minutes," Tony says, and leaves the room.

Peter widens his eyes and jolts up. He bursts out of the room. "Wait—Mr. Stark, I'm sorry, don't leave without me!"

Tony gives him a thumbs up, and Peter runs back into his room. Then he goes into the bathroom.

Ten minutes later, Peter stumbles out of the bathroom with wet hair and fresh clothes, and he pulls on shoes clumsily. "Okay, ready."

Tony snorts and opens the door to the apartment. "We'll be back in a few hours," he says to May.

May nods and gives him a grateful smile, and Peter walks out of the apartment. Tony follows.

They get into the car and Peter is uncharacteristically quiet. Tony glances over at him. He's staring out the window.

"Who was it?" Tony finally asks.

"Just this girl," Peter sighs. "She um..She thought I was cheating on her."

"What? Why?" Tony asks, his eyes wide.

"Sneaking off? Missing dates on accident?" Peter lists off.

"Spider-Man," Tony clarifies. Peter nods sadly. "I'm sorry, kid. That really sucks."

"I really liked her," Peter hangs his head.

"Well—Did you try to tell her you weren't cheating?" Tony asked as he was driving.

"Yeah, she didn't believe me at all. Yelled at me for a while and then she left," Peter sighs.

"Bingo," Tony says. Peter looks at him in confusion. "A healthy relationship involves trust, Underoos. If she didn't trust you and even yelled at you for telling the truth? She probably wasn't worth it anyways."

"But—But I miss her so much. I thought she really cared about me, Mr. Stark. Maybe I should text her—"

"Nope. Give me your phone," Tony holds out his hand. Peter sighs and gives Tony his phone. "Do not text your ex."

"Besides," Tony starts. "You know who else cares about you?"


"Your family. Your friends. We're all here to support you, Pete. Whether you like it or not, we aren't going to let you waste away in a carton of ice cream and breakup playlists," Tony says firmly.

Peter nods, sniffling. "Okay."

It's silent in the car as Tony drives, but neither of them mind. It's comfortable.

Peter speaks up. "Where are we going?"

"The Compound. Pretty sure you owe me some lab time, kid," Tony looks over at him with smile.

"Crap—I'm so sorry, I forgot—"

"It's fine. I get it. Breakups suck. I'm just glad you're feeling a little better now," Tony says, and then stops. "Wait—you ARE feeling better now, right? I did a good job as your...b o s s?"

"Honestly? I feel better now, yeah," Peter says. "But you didn't do a good job as my boss."

Tony raises an eyebrow.

"You did a good job as my family. Thanks, Mr. Stark," Peter says with a small smile, getting out of the car and walking into the compound.

Tony blinks in shock. He gets out of the car and follows Peter into the lab.

Peter might be upset after the breakup. But no matter how upset he is, no matter what happens.

The people who care about him have no doubts lifting him up when he's down.

So how bad could it really be?

✨Big SurpriseTM coming up for the 100th oneshot...✨

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