Sleep Deprivation

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the council has spoken

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the council has spoken


The sun shines through the windows of Avengers Compound, making the living room golden. Peter Parker barely recognizes this. His eyes drooped and he was stifling a yawn every five seconds. He felt a comforting warmth being in the compound, which made it easy to fall asleep.

Which is exactly what he did.

Specifically, he fell asleep sitting next to Tony on the couch as they were watching some documentary on Messier 51a. His head falls on Tony's shoulder, and he's too tired to wake up from the jolt.

Tony looks down at him, first with concern and then with calm. It was the most pleasant calm Tony had ever felt, whenever he had looked down at those he called his family. It was the same serenity he got when he looked down at Morgan as she drew in crayon, or when he saw what Harley was working on back in Tennessee.

It was the same sense of peace he got when he looked down at Peter; asleep, untroubled by the world and just relaxing in his subconscious as he rested.

It wasn't often where Tony had these moments. Moments where his children made him think in an incredibly emotional way that would make his past self laugh right in his own face.

In these rare occasions, everything made Tony proud to call himself a father figure. For instance—

The way Peter slumped closer to Tony in his sleep, snoring quietly. It made Tony proud because he knew Peter recognized him as safe; even in his sleep. Tony had done his job. Peter felt safe.

Of course Peter felt safe.

Peter always felt safe with Tony. He always assumed it was because Tony was Iron Man, but that wasn't the full extent.

He felt safe for multiple reasons, each one varying in different levels of importance and significance that made themselves present in strange ways that Peter never quite picked up.

One brilliant example of this was their multitude of routines. Movie nights, lab time, monthly icecream outings. All of these had become something Peter relied on, but didn't even know it.

Peter felt safe when around Tony because of the same reason Tony feels calm when looking at him. They're family. They know this.

They know this when they make cookies together around Christmas time, spilling flour on every surface of the kitchen. They know this while flicking board game pieces at each other when the other loses Monopoly. They know this when they fall asleep on the couch watching documentaries.

Peter loved being apart of Tony's family.

Tony Stark had read somewhere that blood was not what made a father and son connected; but the heart. And as he looked down at Peter Parker, asleep with his head on Tony's shoulder, he can't help but agree with this sentiment.

They were family.

They knew this.

a.n: what endings did you get on the last chapter lol

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