Rejected Apology

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Peter: mrstank

Peter: mrstrak

Peter: mrstsrk

Peter: mrstakr

Peter: mrstrks

Tony: Take your time

Peter: mr stark!

Tony: What are you doing up? It's three in the morning

Peter: I need to ask you something

Peter: wait did I wake you up

Tony: Yeah

Peter: oh

Peter: sorry mr stark

Tony: It's fine if what you're about to ask is important

Tony: What's up Pete?


Peter: well um

Peter: I was just like thinking and stuff that's all

Tony: ?

Tony: Are you ok?

Peter: yeah yeah I'm good I just was thinking and like

Peter: why do they call them baby gates

Tony: What?

Peter: like, why do they call them baby gates instead of baby barriers

Peter: it's so much funnier and it's alliterative I just don't understand why nobody has thought about this before

Tony: Peter

Peter: yeah?

Tony: Go to sleep.

Peter: okay but like you didn't answer my question

Peter: I'm going to be living in constant fear until I know the answer

Peter: I will never be truly at Peace

Tony: Peter I swear

Tony: Why did you wake me up for this

Peter: sorry 

Tony: Apology not accepted, unless you go to sleep

Peter: you ever realize that you text like a dad

Peter: you don't do any s p a c i n g, you don't do all lowercase or something wild like that, and you never use emojis

Tony: Do you want me to use an emoji?

Peter: yEs

Tony: What you should be doing:😴 What you are doing: everything else

Peter: big oof mood

Tony: Peter. Sleep. Now.

Peter: ugh fine

Peter: goodnight mr stark

Tony; Goodnight kiddo

Peter: love you dAd

Tony: Love you too. Now go to sleep.


A/N: baby barriers are what keep me up at night. I wish I was joking, but literally I thought about baby barriers at like 1am and just broke down sobbing because I was laughing so hard. Why are they called baby gates. WHY ARE THEY CALLED BABY GATES.

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