Dear Peter Parker

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Tony yawns. It's currently four in the morning, and he's absolutely exhausted. Of course, who would want to sleep when you have plenty of work to do?

It's been four months since everything settled after the final battle with Thanos. People have fallen back into normal routines, but not Tony. He still wanders down the halls of the compound, thinking if he could have done something differently that was safer, sooner.

One night, he decides to wander into his fanmail archives. Shelves upon shelves of children who poured their heart and soul into writing letters he never replied to. Guilt fills his chest, and so he opens the first box he sees. It's labeled "A,A" for children whose initials are A, A. He goes to a near desk, which has been supplied with plenty of paper, and reads every letter he can.

Weeks go by and he's gotten pretty far down the list. He's always been one to write and read quickly, so it's not shocking that with weeks of empty time, he was able to get atleast to "O, Z."

He can feel the guilt dissolve with every letter he writes. Feel himself becoming lighter and happier everytime he sees the FedEx plane take them off to everyone who has been waiting. He smiles a lot more, and people are starting to tell. From Media to friends and family. It makes other people happy, too.

Eventually, he gets to "P,P." The first letter he takes out doesn't cross his mind. It makes him smile. 

Dear Tony Stark,

    Today I decided to write to you because my aunt told me it was good to write letters to people. You are my favurit celebritee because you like siense. I also like siense, and me and my uncle do siense projeks together. He says I am good at them.

Tony grins at the misspellings and the thought of the letter. He keeps reading, a sense of familiarity around him but he can't place it.

   Thank you for saving me at the Stark Expo. I was the kid in the IronMan mask. You told me good job and it made me happy. Aunt May was scared, but I do not know why. 

Tony freezes. He remembers exactly what that incident is. Even more, he knows exactly who wrote this letter. He looks at the tagline to confirm his suspicions.

Your biggest fan,

Peter Parker (Age 6)

Tony smiles and puts the letter to the side, making sure it was safe before taking out a fresh sheet of paper.

Dear Peter Parker,

   Thank you for choosing to write to me, Mr. Parker. I can't quite place it, but I just know you're absolutely excellent at science projects. I don't know why. You just seem like that type of person.

    You're very welcome for saving you. However, I'm so terribly sorry that I had to save you. Every Stark Expo will be completely safe next time. When you're all grown up, I promise if you have children you bring to the expo, it will be safe. I also promise backstage passes :)

   I can understand why your Aunt May was scared. Maybe next time you should listen to her, kid. She's a smart woman.


He signs the letter with a grin, puts it in an envelope and writes "1" on the envelope. He goes to the next letter to find it's from the same lovable and adorable kid.

Dear Tony Stark,

    Its been a while since I have written a letter to you. I'm sorry about that. I forgot a lot of the times when I was supposed to write. I think you forgot to, because I never got a letter back.

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