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a/n: let's play a game called spot the foreshadowing—if you can pick it out, you get a gold star 


When Peter thought of Michelle Jones, he saw shades of blue and brown. He thought of old murder documentaries and freshly sharpened pencils. He thought of classical music and winter. But not the icy cold winter with frost bite and icicles that stuck to your car, but the comfortably cold winters that were spent inside with warm blankets, hot cocoa and Christmas movies.

Because when Peter thought of Michelle Jones, he thought of comfort.

He imagined nights of watching cold case files with Michelle blabbering theories next to him, occasionally apologizing because she thought he would find it weird. It only made Peter fall harder, if he would ever admit it.

He imagined sitting on her bedroom floor while she played her instruments, which were many. Peter never thought of her as a jack of all trades, but MJ was incredibly creative in all ways. Peter liked it when she played guitar best, because she didn't think she was that good and Peter loved to tell her otherwise.

He imagined coffee dates, trips to museums, and library outings of all sorts with MJ close at his side, holding his hand tightly. Scenarios of spectacular days and nights, with his perfectly imperfect girlfriend.

He imagined road trips where they sang Ramones at the top of their lungs, he imagined movie dates where Peter would hide behind her at the scary parts, he imagined—

"Pete? Are you listening?"

Peter blinks with wide eyes, looking over at Tony. "Sorry, what?"

Tony sighs and then puts his tools down. He turns to him. "What's going on with you? You're zoning out constantly lately. Have you been getting enough sleep?"

"Yeah!" Peter said quickly. "Don't even sorry about it. I'm okay."

"Mhm..." Tony said disbelievingly. "So, what are you thinking about?"

"MJ," Peter replied in a heartbeat.

Tony raises an eyebrow and turns to his work. He smiles a little. "Tell me more. Why's she on your mind?"

Peter blushes slightly. He could tell Tony already knew how hopelessly in love he was, but he'd humour him anyways. "Well, she's just—She's amazing, Mr. Stark. She's just so... different. I've never met anybody as unique as she is. And she's so incredibly talented, it's not even funny. I thank every higher power that she decided to go to a STEM school instead of an art one, because she'd be able to do either and probably both with how responsible she is—"

Peter has completely abandoned his work for the day, and has also zoned out while talking about Michelle.

Tony smiles. What amazing footage this will be to play at their wedding. He can practically picture it now. He snickers slightly at the mental image of Peter freaking out excitedly about proposing. Tony glances up at Peter again, his grin widening with amusement.

Peter is still blabbering, his eyes bright. Tony is fairly certain that he doesn't even notice he's still talking. It's sort of funny how fast his mouth is moving.

Tony finds it absolutely heart-lifting. Completely and totally endearing. Peter and MJ deserve each other, from what he's been told from May's perspective. He honestly can't wait to meet the girl.

Peter eventually shuts up and then goes back to his work, as if a switch was just flipped and he decided to stop talking. He looks happy, so Tony doesn't question him for suddenly stopping his blabber.

As he half-works, he imagines more scenarios.

Some of them were more date type ideas, such as painting together at Central Park. Dancing at three in the morning on a rooftop.

Others were more domesticated. Doing dishes together. Going to the store. Making dinner.

Each scenario further proved to his subconscious that Peter had fallen hard, and it was the highest and most deadly fall he'd ever taken.

But he'd do it again, and he'd fall forever, if it meant being with her.


(this chapter is also known as peter being in love from ages 16–forever)

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