The Interview (part 2)

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They had won, and by god, was it victorious. Tony Stark was named the Universe's Best Defender, everyone cheered and celebrated everyday. Life was fantastic.

A month afterwards, Tony organized another interview. This one was going to be the most packed event in the history of events, it would be broadcasted everywhere, but most importantly, Peter would be alongside Tony the whole time. 

Tony walked up to the podium first, noticing how many more people there was than last time. He taps the microphone and smiles as the cheers go silent. He leans in.


The crowd goes wild. He smiles and leans in again, it goes silent.

"My name is Tony Stark. Recently, me and the Avengers got back together and won the so called "Infinity War", but before that, I arranged a world-wide interview on my view of what happened during... certain incidents."

The crowd frowned at the mention of "The Snap".

Tony speaks again. "Well, without that meeting, I probably never would have had the support I would have needed to help win this battle. So, let me just say, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you so much for listening to my story."

"...and as you can see, I'm once again not reading from notecards so you know I'm telling the truth." Tony adds. The crowd laughs and cheers.

"Now," Tony starts. "There is quite a big difference from the last interview and this one. For one, there is a LOT more people. And two..." he trails off.

"I brought my not-really-but-close-enough son." Tony says.

The crowd gasps and cheers and screams, and Peter awkwardly walks out on stage. Peter smiles at the big crowd, blushing.

Tony puts a hand on Peter's shoulder and hands him a microphone. Peter leans in and speaks. "H-Hi, I'm Peter."

The crowd gushes and screams. Peter blushes harder and smiles.

Tony leans into his own mic. 

"Now, you already know about my story. And for safety reasons and mental health reasons, we won't talk about the war. But I know everyone was dying to meet Peter, so I arranged this world wide interview for anyone who wanted to ask us questions."

People nodded. Peter and Tony sat down on a couch on stage. Peter whispered to Tony. "It's like a panel at comic-con, Mr. Stark." The microphone caught his words though, and everyone gushed. Peter smiles awkwardly and Tony laughs.

People started asking questions.

"This one is for Peter." 

Peter looked up to see the person and smiled at them.

"What was your reunion like?"

Peter smiled at the memory and brought the mic up to his face. Tony watched in amusement.

"Well, for us, it was a lot of hugging. As you know, people started to.. reappear in random places, but luckily, I just kind of spawned in Mr. Stark's lab. I don't really remember what he was doing in the lab. Anyway, at first he didn't think it was really me. He thought he was hallucinating. Actually, I think F.R.I.D.A.Y has clips, if Mr. Stark is comfortable with sharing...?" Peter trailed off, looking at Tony. He nodded, and a huge screen behind the, started playing.

Tony was working hard on formulas for Peter's web fluid when he hears a voice behind him. 

"Mr. Stark?"

Tony freezes. "No, not again. I've seen him die enough, please not again." Tony whispers.

"I-You aren't hallucinating or anything Mr. Stark. It's me."

Tony turned around and saw Peter standing there in wakandan garb. Peter smiles at him, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I.. Peter?"

Peter runs towards him and they hugs tightly.

"I won't ever leave again, dad." Peter cries into Tony's shirt.

Tony sobs. 

The clip ends and Tony and Peter, along with thousands of others in the audience, are crying.

Peter smiles and wipes away a tear. "Yeah, I wouldn't give it up for the world."

Tony smiles. They call on another person.

"Peter, have you watched the videos of Tony Stark's last Interview?"

Peter shakes his head. "I'm afraid I haven't. I'm so sorry, I probably should have watched that before hand."

Tony leans into his mic. "Always apologizing."

People in the audience laugh. The next question is spoken.

"Was there any incidents involved with Peter that made you nervous about him being seen with you in public?" Someone asks.

Tony grimaces and leans into the mic. "There was an incident regarding us going to get ice cream. Let's just say it didn't end well."

Peter and Tony answer questions over and over again. It was happy, it was celebratory, and everything that Tony hoped for.

Now the public knows about Tony and his son, and have mercy on anyone that tries to mess with them.

A/N: ok it was a lot shorter but I really didn't know what else to say. This wasn't originally meant to have two parts, and I was worried it would be the whole "Great first part but disappointing sequel" deal going on.

I hoped you enjoyed. Comment if you have a request, thx for reading! ❤️💙❤️💙

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