✨T E X T I N G Iron-Dad 101 ✨

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Peter: Hey Mr. Stark, am I coming over today?

Tony: sure

Peter: I don't have to, Mr. Stark . I don't want to be an inconvenience.

Tony: kid just come I honestly don't care. And you're not an inconvenience

Peter: Okay.

Tony: and loosen up. Nobody texts in full grammar and spelling, u know

Peter: I don't wamt to be disrespectful.

Peter : *want

Tony: it makes me feel like I'm talking to a robot, srsly kid

Tony: talk like you would with a friend

Peter: Does that include the ungodly amount of emojis?

Tony: *sighhh* I guess 

Peter: Did.. Did you just use asterisks?

Tony: yes. It's not that uncommon you know

Peter: oh okay


Tony: movie night? 

Peter: I have geometry homework

Tony: so, no movie night?

Peter: I didn't say that

Tony: you're killing me


Peter: 😣

Tony: what's wrong?

Peter: uhh wrong person haha whoops

Tony: nope too late. What's bothering you, fam

Peter: please never say 'fam' again

Tony: why not? Isn't that what the kids are saying these days?

Peter: you're not a kid

Tony: I'm Iron-Man I can be whatever I want 

Tony: now what's wrong 

Peter: my parents died today and I'm feeling sad

Tony: I'll be over in five minutes with ice cream and a movie. Get the comfiest blankets you can find

Peter: ok thank you mr. Stark

Tony: cut the mr. Stark out, would you?

Peter: **ok thank you dr. Stark 


[Peter has deleted one message]

Tony: I thought so


Tony: when's your decathlon meet

Peter: 5 

Tony: k

Peter: 😁


Peter: Mr. Stark there's an emergency

Tony: where are you

Peter: McDonald's. The cashier said "enjoy your food" and I said "you too" And now i can't go back

Tony: I literally just sent like five iron-man suits to your location, peter 

Tony: be serious next time

Peter: this is serious. how am I gonna get mcdonalds now??

Tony: if It bothers you that much use the one in the compound 

Peter: you.. you have a McDonalds in the compound?

Tony: ye

Peter: 👌✨🍟🍔✨🤯😁

Tony: why do you use so many emojis

Peter: it builds ✨ c h a r a c t e r ✨

Tony: sure

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