🎉Celebratory Vine🎉

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A/N: a celebratory vine chapter because apparently this story is #9 on vines out of 235 stories which is insane... anyway here u go 

Tony sits at the bar, pouring himself a small drink. Peter, watching him with amusement whispers under his breath. "Two shots of vodka."

Tony looks up at this knowingly, and then acts out stumbling across the floor. Peter bursts out laughing.


Tony and Peter watch as Bucky and Steve spar in the training room. Peter mutters under his breath. "Two guys, fighting in a Ro-om, five feet apart cuz there nOT GAY."

Tony bursts out laughing, causing Steve and Bucky to glance at them with a scowl. Neither of them care.


Tony and Rhodes talk at a table when Peter jogs into the kitchen holding something, with a grin on his face.

Tony immediately knows what to do. "WhAt dO yOu hAvE??!"

Peter screams back. "A KNIFE!1!1"

"n0-" Tony chases after Peter, leaving Rhodes in shock. 


Peter walks into the kitchen where Tony is, an uneasy look on his face. "Mr. Stark?"

Tony looks up.

"I spilled lipstick in your Valentino bag." Peter says.

Tony splutters in anger. "WhA-RWKHIYsFHyifs-LIPSTICK IN MY VALENTINO WHITE BAG??"

They both burst into fits of giggles.


Peter walks into the living room in his suit for homecoming, standing awkwardly.

Tony laughs. "You look like you're welcoming me to Chili's, Parker. Ease up, will you?"

Peter laughs and nods.


Tony looks  at Peter seriously. "How did you take down Captain America?"

Peter looks back equally as serious, and answers in a bad german accent. "We shot him in ze legs, because his shield is the size of a dinner plate and he's an idiot."

Steve frowns. Bucky laughs. So does Tony. Peter just apologizes and leaves because nobody can survive the "I'm Disappointed In YouTM" glance you get from Steve.


Peter is bored, so he pulls out paper and crayons and decides to draw. Tony comes out into the living room and sees Peter.

"Peter, is that a weed?"

He looks up. "No, this is a cra-"


Tony runs into the kitchen and hits 911 on the microwave.

Peter laughs. "Look what I drew, though." He hands the drawing to Tony.

It's a really good drawing of Iron-Man, but there is Spider-Man swinging in the background. On the front it says "World's Best Iron-Dad". Tony cried. But nobody but his son needed to know that.

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