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A/N: Show all the love on Valentine's Day—to your partners, friends, family and importantly to yourself!


Peter woke up considerably early for once, and he was in a surprisingly good mood too. He sat up with the sun peeking through the curtains of his window, which was rare for this time of year. He slips out of his bed and begins getting ready for school, and then walks into the kitchen.

May smiles at him and pours milk in a cereal bowl. "Hey, Peter. Happy Valentine's Day."

Peter grins back at her and sits down at the table, picking up a spoon. "Thanks, May. Happy Valentine's Day."

"I'm have to go to work, I'm going to be late," May says, pulling on a jacket quickly and kissing Peter's hair. "Have a good day at school!"

"Have a good day at work! Larb you, May," Peter responds easily. This part of their morning was routine.

"Larb you!" She calls before leaving the apartment.

Peter finishes his cereal, and then checks his phone. He had five minutes before he had to leave, but you had to leave early to get a good seat on the subway. So obviously, Peter texted Ned and MJ for five minutes before leaving.

He made his way to school, waiting for Ned at his locker.

When Ned showed up, Peter gave him a cheesy grin. "Hey, man."

"Hey!" Ned greets, giving him just as an enthusiastic smile as Peter did.

The thing was: Peter had a total crush on this dork. The bigger problem: Peter didn't even know it.

However, that wasn't really an issue that he wanted to get into at the moment, so instead they just walked to class together, enjoying the other's company. He just felt happy, really.

If there was one thing he loved about Valentine's Day, it was watching everyone else experience it. People running all over the place with huge smiles on their face, tossing chocolate kisses to their closest friends. Students giving school staff gifts such as coffee mugs and flowers, just for the kindness of it all. His favourite moments were when teachers that usually were stern had friendly grins, talking to people during passing periods instead of yelling at them to get where they were going.

It stayed like that most of the day, where everything was just brighter. People were totally on a sugar rush, and good cheer seemed to radiate the halls, despite the singles jokes bouncing through every room.

Peter used to hate this holiday. There was something about how people seemed to suddenly get together on the day that always bothered him, not to mention that when he didn't like the holiday it was suspiciously close the date of Ben's death. There was love in every crevice of the world, but he noticed people only showing it on the holiday.

It was reasons like this that had made him very much look in the other direction when passing through the flowers in the grocery store. It wasn't until he had matured a bit more where he was able to appreciate it in his own way.

For one, he loved as much as he could. Always.

Losing loved ones did that to a person, he assumes. He never leaves anywhere without telling May he loves her. He tells Ned and MJ he loves them as much as socially acceptable, because they're his best friends and it was true. He tells Tony, too, because if anything were to happen again-

"Peter? You okay?" MJ waves a hand in front of his face. "You're spacing out on us. We're trying to plan the next movie night."

Peter blinks and then sits up. "Right! Sorry. Yeah, I'm okay. How about Saturday?"

"Yeah," Ned laughs. "That's what we said, man."

Peter's ears go pink with embarrassment, but he laughs with them. "Oh. My bad."

The final bell rings, excusing them all from class. Before they go their separate ways, Peter says what he normally says.

"Get home safe, guys. Love you!"

MJ gives a thumbs up while Ned repeats the sentence.

Peter smiles and keeps walking. He gets home, dropping his backpack on the floor. "May! I'm home!

"Hey kiddo," Tony calls from the living room. Peter's smile turns into a grin as he walks into the room.

May is sitting in one of the living room chairs, sipping from a mug. Tony sits opposite of her, with Pepper at his side.

"I'm getting a strange sense of deja vu," Peter says. Tony just snorts.

"Kid! It's been a while," Pepper smiles. "How's school going?"

Peter nods and sits down on the couch as well, purposefully ignoring the plate of whatever May's new kitchen creation is. He may love his aunt, but he'd rather live than trying to fake a pleased reaction when eating another walnut date loaf. "It's going good. Where's Morgan?"

"Babysitter. We thought we'd just catch up," Tony says, gesturing between Pepper and May.

"So you guys are all like, friends now or something? Are you in a Facebook group?" Peter with a playful smile.

"Ha," Tony rolls his eyes, ruffling Peter's hair. "Real funny, kid."

"I know," he retorts.

The group converses late into the afternoon, laughing and joking the entire time. Peter thinks again how much he loves this family that he was lucky enough to get.

And as Tony and Pepper leave, he quickly hugs both of them and tells them so.

"I love you guys. You're like my family," he says honestly.

Tony smiles softly at him, ruffling his hair yet again. "Love you too, kiddo."

Pepper smiles at the two of them and then her and Tony leave. Peter can hear her down the hall talk to Tony about how he's like a dad to him, and Peter smiles and closes the door.

As the day slowly comes to an end, Peter feels peacefully happy. He hated when he got sentimental over things, but it truly felt like everything was finally at a resting point. And though it may be a temporary stop, he was willing to enjoy it for as long as he can.

He goes to sleep that night with love in his heart.

Love for Tony, for being the father he needs the most.

Love for May, for being the mom he never had.

Love for Ned, for being his best friend no matter what.

Love for MJ, for trusting him and for being the friend he never thought he'd have.

Love for Morgan, for being the best little sister he could ever possibly imagine.

Love for Pepper, for welcoming him into their family with no hesitation.

Love for life, because even though it hurts and claws at the heart, there are always spots of sun after the rain.

And love for himself, for letting him enjoy the previously mentioned list, and letting the good lift his day up, even if it doesn't happen often.



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