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Peter hadn't been driving for very long. In fact, he'd only gotten his license two months ago. He'd only done small things, like drive to the store or drive May to work.

Usually he took the subway.

This is what Peter was thinking as time seemed to slow.

He should have taken the subway.

Peter knew he wasn't at fault for this. He had been following all the rules, he had been using his turn signal, everything.

It was the other driver who seemed to have lost control of the wheel, holding a cell phone to their ear while also drinking a smoothie. And they missed the light change.

He didn't really want to think about what happened next. All he knew was that glass was everywhere, it was loud. He was in danger, and his senses didn't let him forget it.

Everything happened too fast. He didn't understand. Then the car jolted one last time, and finally Peter was still. That was apart of the problem.

His neck hurt. He couldn't feel his hands. He couldn't move. Peter blinked slowly.

People were rushing over already, trying to help him. He heard a weird mixture of their voices, not quite hearing them clearly. It was a weird feeling, considering he was so used to hearing people too well.

The things in front of him were getting blurry. Was he crying? He couldn't tell. He was either crying or losing consciousness.

As his vision grew dark, he figured it was the second one. He heard the voices get louder, and then there was nothing at all.

When he woke, it was a slow, painful process. His body was stiff, as if he'd slept for years. His head was pounding but he persevered, opening his eyes to squint through the bright fluorescent lighting.

The lighting instantly dimmed. It gave him the answer of where he was. Avengers Tower. Peter's eyes tried to flicker closed again.

"Peter?" A voice asks, full of tears and emotion. Something of relief, Peter figures. He understands. The only reason he opens his eyes is to let whoever said his name know he's okay.

May is standing over his bed, looking incredibly worried.

It occurs to Peter somewhere in the back of his head—which by the way, feels like it's stuffed with cotton—that May might have had to see Peter before he was fixed. It also occurs to Peter that, oh hey, he was fixed up now.

He glances down to see any kind of damage, careful to not use his neck. He pretends not to notice the brace it's in.

It's a lot worse than he expected.

Even after particularly bad Spider-Man patrols, he doesn't look as bad as this. His whole chest has been bandaged, and his left arm is also in a brace. He doesn't even want to think about the road rash and scrapes on his legs, so he glances back up.

"Tony, get in here!" May says quickly, and then turns back to Peter. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay," she affirms, wiping away tears off of Peter's face gently.

Peter didn't realize he was crying, and he didn't realize that he probably has cuts and bruises on his face too. For some reason this thought makes even more tears fall down his cheeks. He does notice those.

Tony walks quickly into the room, eyes alert as he looks at the bed. His gaze catches Peter and he notices his tears. Tony joins May at his side. "Pete? You're okay, we got you. It's alright."

Peter is too tired to smile. To hold back tears. To even nod, if he had the physical capability to. He uses his hand to give an extremely weak thumbs up.

Tony gives him a sad smile. "Do you want some water? Food? Anything?"

Peter tries to open his mouth and say something, but his throat starts to explode with pain, so he closes his mouth. More tears prick from the feeling.

Tony frowns. "It's okay, bud. You can't talk right now, you injured your throat. It can heal, it's only temporary. I know you know Morse, though. Wanna tell me what's going on in that brain of yours?"

Peter's face is contorted with sadness, but with great effort he starts tapping out words.

·-- ·· ·-·· ·-·· ·· -··· · --- -·- ·- -·--

(will I be okay)

Tony's eyes soften. "Of course you'll be okay, Peter. We'll make sure of it."

·--· ·-· --- -- ·· ··· · ··--··


"I promise."

Peter's eyes dance from May to Tony as he types out the next sentence.

·· ·-·· --- ···- · -·-- --- ··-

(I love you.)

"We love you too," Tony says. May takes Peter's hand.

And despite all that's happened,

He feels safe.

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