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⚠️trigger warning for needles⚠️

(Inspired by 'Vein Drain', which is a fic by ciaconnaa on ao3.)

Tony was currently bleeding out on a medical table.

Peter was currently panicking.

....So things were going great.

"We need somebody to donate blood!" A doctor calls out seriously. Peter obviously stands up, yanking up his sweater sleeve.

"Me! I'll do it," he says frantically. "Take mine."

It didn't matter that Peter has always had a bad fainting problem whenever he got blood drawn. Whatever. Cool, cool cool cool—

"What's your blood type?" A nurse demands.

"Um—Uh, AB+," Peter recites, remembering May telling him one time after a particularly bad patrol and even worse medical wing visit.

The nurse nods and instantly starts setting up the needle.

Peter looks away, instead turning to Tony with a frown. The doctors were clearly trying their best but the heart monitor was still beeping in red.

He closes his eyes. To be completely honest? He felt strange.

Like, I'm-about-to-pass-out kind of strange.

His limbs were weak, and his head felt kind of fuzzy. He lets out a laugh.

The doctors took the blood and turned back to Tony, and the heart monitor picked back up. He was stable.

"Oh, cool!" Peter smiles loonily. "That's great."

Then he makes the mistake of standing up.

He instantly keels over, hitting the floor and blacking out.

One of the doctors turn around to see what made the thumping noise. They let out a long sigh. "Get the stretcher. We've got a fainter."

But, hey.

At least Tony wasn't dead!




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