Was It Tony Stark?

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Peter's POV-Yeah I guess we're tryin this now 

I don't really know how I got here. It's some sort of cave, I think. There's another man here. I'm in pretty bad shape, or I was in pretty bad shape. The man fixed me up. We were both kidnapped, I think. I don't actually know where we are. The man said he knows Tony. I trust him. My spidey senses hasn't told me he's dangerous, so what's to lose?

I stop writing and look around. It's probably best to write about where I am and what it looks like.

There's a lot of pieces of metal and stuff lying around. There's also a lot of bullets. They aren't dangerous though, it looks like they've been fired a long time ago. It's still unsettling, though.

I lift my head to look at the man. He's old. And-shaking? I rush to his side.

"Sir? A-are you okay?" I ask with concern. The man looks up and shakes his head.

"No, kid. PTSD sucks."  He says simply. I wince.

"Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, man." I say. He looks at me with a sorry expression.

"What happened with you?" He asks.

"Um-A lot of-stuff." I explain, hopefully thinking that he'll understand. He does. "What about you?"

"This isn't the first time I've been here." He states. I look at him in shock. "Okay, technically I've been here for a long time, but this isn't the first time I've been stuck here with someone else." He explains. I nod.

"I get it. Any cool stories?" I ask, smiling. I want to get the mood up a little bit. I hate it when people are in distress.

The man's face lights up, but it looks almost ghostly. I smile encouragingly. "I have one."

He tells me a thrilling tale about how he helped a man escape this place-which I learned was a cave in the middle of the desert. Something he said caught my attention.

"A suit of iron? How did it work?" I ask curiously.

"An arc reactor." He said.

My eyes widened and I felt my heart beat quicken. "An-an arc reactor?"

He nodded. I stood up.

"Who-Do you know who it was that you helped?" I asked shakily.

The man's face glazed over. "Um... I can't remember very well."

"Was it by any chance Tony Stark?" I say, breathless.

Realization hit the man, and i covered my mouth in shock.

"Yeah, it was."

"Oh my god," I say simply.

"Watch out-!" The man says. I turn around quickly and I'm hit in the face with a piece of metal. I pretend to pass out as they take the man away. When they leave, I go to my letter and start scribbling words down.

The man helped Tony Stark escape from the terrorists in the desert from years ago.

They kidnapped both of us, if you get this message please send help. Contact Tony Stark and tell him Peter Parker is in trouble.

I'm in the desert in the cave-he'll know, hopefully. Please help, they think I'm unconscious right now and they took away the man


-peter parker 

Ps. If I don't make it out, tell May, Ned, Michelle, Tony and Pepper that I love them all

I double tap the paper and it disintegrates. Gotta love Stark tech. Hopefully the paper makes its way to New York. One can only hope.

The door bursts open and I stand in the room with wide eyes.

"I thought you were unconscious!" Someone calls out. I wince as I get hit again. My vision fades to black.

Hopefully my luck is good enough to get me out of this one.

A/n: yep this is inaccurate as heck but I hope u enjoyed anyway

Also how'd I do in first person writing? Did I do good? Lol

  uwu bye 

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