Weekend with a Mind Reader

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  Wanda was coming to the compound for the weekend. Peter was scheduled to also be at the compound, so they'd both be spending the weekend together. The thing is, Peter was never told that Wanda was spending the week there. So, like any person, he thought she was an intruder.

He was in the Spider-Man suit, swinging around the compound for fun, when he spotted a cloaked woman at the entrance. He swung over and webbed the figure to the door.

"Nice to meet you, i'm Spider-Man." He says enthusiastically. "And you are?"

The woman  growls. "Your friendly neighbourhood mind reader, now let me go." 

Peter sighs. "You know I can't do that, ma'am. And a mind reader? I doubt it."

"Oh really? Listen, I can make you relieve your darkest fears. Let me go."

"No." Peter says firmly.

The woman let's out an angry breath before bringing her hand out and moving it around, creating red energy between her fingertips.

"What the-" 

Peter sits on the bathroom floor, shaking. He was bitten by a spider a few hours ago, and he's vomited eight times so far. He's terrified. He doesn't want to call May, because she'll quit work to look after him and they need the money.

Peter is scared. What if he dies here? Death by a spider bite. 'What's wrong with me?' He thinks. He vomits again and starts sobbing. He's going to die here. He's going to die. He's going to die right here, huddled over a toilet seat because of a stupid spider.

He calls Ned, not knowing what to do. His wrist aches from wher he was bit. It rings. "...Ned?" He whispers, his voice hoarse.

"Hey Peter, what's up?"

"I was wondering if you could come over. I'm just really sick right now, and feel like death. You don't have to, I don't want you to get sick-"

"I'll be right there. What movie do you want to watch?" Ned asks.

Peter wipes tears off his face. "Uh... I don't know, you choose."

"Okay. See you in five."


Peter hangs up the call, and sobs harder. 'If Ned catches this, he might die too. What have I done, what have I done, what have I done-' He vomits again. He takes a shuddering breath and cries more.

He bites his lip and looks at the ceiling. The strange pattern blurs together and he closes his eyes, exhausted. Maybe he could die in his sleep. Maybe that'd be more peaceful. Maybe...

Peter takes a shuddering breath, but is mentally attacked again.

Peter is knocked to the ground by someone running past him. He scoffs and gets up, and police run after the man. One officer stops briefly. "Why didn't you trip him?! We could have arrested the fool!"

Peter frowns. "Sorry, sir." The officer runs off, leaving Peter alone. He begins walking again when he hears a gunshot. He turns around and sees Ben a street away, blood in his shirt. Peter lets out a sharp gasp and sprints toward Ben.

Ben falls to the ground, and Peter kneels beside him. "No,no no no..." Peter says.

Ben smiles softly at Peter. "Hey, Peter."

Peter sobs. "Uncle Ben... Please, don't go.."

Ben sadly shakes his head. "I'm sorry, Peter." Ben frowns.

Peter shakes his head. "It's not your fault, Uncle Ben. Just... Stay with me, okay? SOMEBODY CALL AN AMBULANCE!" He screams.

Ben takes hold of Peter's hand. Peter quickly looks back at him, tears falling down his face. "Peter, promise me something."

Peter whimpers. "Uncle Ben..."

"Promise me you'll look after May."

"Uncle Ben, stop talking like that!" Peter sobs.

"Promise me, Peter."

"I-I pr-promise."

"Peter?" Ben says softly.

"Yes, Uncle Ben?" Peter says.

"Remember. With great power, comes great responsibility." Ben says.

"W-what does that mean?" Peter says, panicking.

Ben smiles and opens his mouth, but begins coughing up blood. First responders begin to flood around him, pulling him away from Peter.

"Uncle Ben- Dad!" Peter screams.

Sirens drown out his screaming. Peter looks down at his blood-covered hands. 

Peter is yanked back to reality, sobbing and covering his head. "S-Stop! Stop m-messing w-with my head!" Peter screams.

The woman breathes quickly. "Let me go!"

"I c-can't!"

"If you even cared, you'd actually be here." Peter says, snarkily. Tony emerges from the suit, and Peter takes a step back in shock. 

Tony sniffs. "I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh? Do you know that I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else thought I was crazy to recruit a fourteen year old kid."

"I'm fifteen."

Peter is snapped back to reality quickly, sobbing. The woman gasps. "Y-You're just a kid!"

Peter ignores her, sobbing and rocking back in forth, holding his head still. The woman uses her free hand to get her phone out. She dials a number and calls it.

Ten seconds later, Tony Stark is sprinting down to the entrance, and he isn't happy with the sight.

His kid, sitting on the floor, cradling his head and rocking back and forth. His mask is still on, but you can hear him sobbing. Wanda, webbed to the doors and looking distressed.

"What the hell happened?" Tony shouts.

"I made a mistake!" Wanda whimpers.

Tony rushes over to Peter and pulls his mask off, his eyes are forcibly shut, and tears are staining his incredibly pale face. "Peter, it's me, Tony."

"I'msorry,i'msorry,i'msorry.." Peter rambles. "Please don't take the suit." He whimpers.

Tony hugs him and Peter starts calming down. When they pull away, Tony looks at Wanda. He blasts away the webbing that kept her to the door. "What are you doing?!" Peter shrieks.

Tony blinks. "Peter, this is Wanda. I invited her over."

Peter's eyes are full of fear as he turns to Wanda. "Oh my god, i'm so sorry this is all my fault, please forgive me Ms. Wanda..." Peter rambles. 

Wanda hugs him. "Don't apologize. If anything, I should be punished for making you relive all those memories. It wasn't right. Geez, how does someone that's gone through that much still able to smile?" Wanda says.

Peter smiles sadly. "I don't know," he says. "But, are we cool now?" He asks.

Wanda frowns. "I don't know if you want to be friends with someone who made you relive your worst memories." She says guiltily.

"Well," Peter says. "We're going to be spending the whole weekend in the same vicinity. We may as well be friends. Besides, I hate enemies."

Wanda smiles nervously. "Well... if you want, I guess."

Peter smiles brightly and turns to Tony. "Mr. Stark, I made a new friend!"

Tony smiles and walks inside. He loved his kid.

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