Buried Alive

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'Get me five million dollars or the kid stays under'

That was the message that showed up on Tony Stark's screens, with a bank account number below it.

He didn't know what it meant, it was just the vague description and threat of his child that really got to him. He knew this wasn't just the normal prank for money. Peter was in danger.

Tony was doing everything he could to question the supposed messenger, but the only response was 'get me the five million, then I'll talk.'

So he did just that. He sent five million dollars in a heartbeat. Actually, several heartbeats. Each one beating in an unsteady tempo that grew with every minute knowing his kid was in danger.

And all he got was a location.

In those five minutes, it was probably the fastest Tony had ever gone in the Iron Man suit. Fast as he possibly can. It's not fast enough.

When he gets to the coordinates, there's nothing. Just a plain of dirt. That's when reality starts to sink in.

"No..." Tony breathes. Horror claws its way into his lungs. "NO."

Members of the team get there a second later. It's not soon enough to ease his nerves.

Tony flips the mask off. "EVERYBODY START DIGGING," he shouts. "THE DIRT IS STILL UNGROUNDED."

Steve furrows his brows. "Tony, wh—"

"Cap, if you say one more word and you aren't digging, I'm going to shove you back under the ice," Tony barks sharply. He doesn't even have a second to feel guilty about the words before he turns to the rest of the team.

As the Avengers dig into the dirt, Natasha speaks up. "What does this have to do with Peter?" She asks.

Tony ignores her and thinks back, doing some mental math. He got the message four hours ago. After a quick google search, he learned that somebody could survive five and a half hours while being under ground, in—Tony took a deep breath.—In a coffin.

He tried to stay calm. He tried to relax. But his kid was running out of air. Out of life. Tony's hands shook.

He obviously helped dig too, trying to distract himself from his thoughts of dread. He can't be too late. He shovels more dirt away.

The clock had an hour left, but time was going fast. His mask lit up with a call.

Peter was calling him. A dangerous mix of fear and hope sparked in his stomach, but it quickly died to just fear. He answered in a heartbeat.

"Peter?!" Tony said quickly.

There was quiet. Then, Peter spoke in a quiet, tight voice. "Need help."

His heart sunk. Tony had always wanted Peter to come to him when he needed help. He always wanted Peter to feel comfortable talking to him. Not like this.

Tony finds it absolutely spirit-shattering that the one time Peter asked him for help was when he was about to—

He blocks his thoughts out.

"I know, Pete, I know," Tony said. "Don't talk anymore, okay? I've got you. We're on it. We've got you."

At some point he doesn't even know what he's telling Peter. He just keeps talking. A part of him hopes it's enough. Enough to keep Peter from talking. Enough to keep Peter alive and hopeful.

They keep digging.

Twenty minutes on the clock. The Avengers have given up questioning Tony on why, they just do. They're three feet in the ground, and hope is fading fast.

Tony tunes it all out. He tries to ignore the urge to break down, to sob and scream and destroy whoever dared to take his child from him. Instead he digs further, because there's still eighteen minutes on the clock. Peter is still breathing.

"Pete?" Tony asks. "Take small breaths, buddy."

"Hurts," Peter mumbles back. He's still on the line. He's still breathing. His lungs hurt. He's still alive.

"I know," Tony said, trying not to tear up. "I know, kiddo. It's okay. You're going to be okay."

"'M gonna die," Peter says weakly. His voice breaks.

"No." Tony's voice is sharp. "You're not going to die."

The crack in his voice betrays his fake confidence. Peter knows he's scared. Peter's scared too.

A tear falls down Peter's face as he stares up at the darkness. The air is too stale. He takes another small breath. In, out. It's keeping him alive.

Everybody keeps digging.

Five minutes on the clock.

They're finding nothing but dirt.

"Tony, what are we looking for?!" Steve finally breaks the silence. He stops digging and looks up at Tony.

Tony fills with an unexplainable rage. His mind shouts and explodes with fireworks. "Listen, STEVEN. I'm looking for my SON."

The Avengers widen their eyes, shocked silence between them all.

"And he is trapped under god knows how many feet of dirt, and he is /dying,/" Tony says, shaking with emotion. "So please, I ask one thing from you. And it is to dig."

Tony turns back to the dirt and digs faster. The Avengers join back in.

Two minutes on the clock.

"Dad," Peter says, impossibly quiet. "I love you."

Tony finally breaks down, letting out a sob. He doesn't stop digging through dirt, but his movements are weak.

"I love you too, Peter. It's gonna be okay. It's going to be okay. Just relax, son. Close your eyes," Tony says softly, letting his voice break and crack as much as he can handle.

Thirty seconds.


Ten seconds.

More dirt.






Peter gasps for air, trying to hit at the coffin. Nothing. His lungs hurt ten times worse than before.

Tony closes his eyes, trying not to listen to Peter choking and gasping for breath. More tears fall down his face. He doesn't stop digging.

"T-on-y," Peter gasps painfully. "P-ple-ase—"

Steve grabs something solid in the dirt. "TONY!"

Tony snaps his head and blasts forward. All the Avengers shove dirt off of the coffin, and Tony lifts the coffin lid up with ease.

Peter's lips are blue, he looks cold. But he takes the biggest gasp of air once the lid is open. He doesn't stop taking breaths, as if he'd been in the coffin for a lot longer than five hours.

Tony doesn't care. Relief floods through him. He feels all of the fear drain away in a second, and thanks anybody of the higher power who made sure Peter survived.

He drops the suit immediately, tackling Peter in a rib-crushing hug. Peter is alive. He's breathing. He's safe, and Tony will make sure he stays that way.

And the punk who tried to mess with him?

Well, they've got the whole Avengers on their radar.

A/N: are the daily uploads annoying or nah 

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