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a/n: we all float down here

Ned was terrified of clowns.

Peter learned this at the ripe age of twelve, when they were out on Halloween together, going door to door in the costumes. (They dressed as Luke Skywalker and C-3PO, respectively.)

They were walking to the next house, Ben trailing after them as the parental supervision, when somebody dressed as a clown had turned the corner and screamed at them before quickly running away.

Peter has jumped, obviously startled by the sudden scare. But, he laughed it off relatively easy and turned to Ned. "Dude, that was so—"

"—Scary," Ned finishes with wide eyes. His face is pale.

"Dude," Peter repeats. "Dude. Are you afraid of clowns?"

"Dude! No, of course I'm not afraid of clowns," Ned scoffs, shaking his head.

Peter could very clearly see that he was lying, but he brushed it off. They continued the night as usual, but Ned was much more hesitant when turning any corners.

That was years ago.

Now, they were in highschool; no longer the short preteens they used to be. This was not to say that Ned's fear had subsided, though.

Peter relearned that Ned was afraid of clowns when MJ showed up to the mini (meaning they were the only ones invited) Halloween party they were throwing in a clown costume.

"You look great," Peter laughs. "I gotta say, I was expecting something historical."

"I'm dressed as evil Ronald McDonald."


Peter lets her inside.

Ned walks back into the living room from the kitchen, holding a bowl of popcorn. "Peter, I've got th—"

He does not see his friend MJ, who was sarcastic and liked books and scary movies (and who may have a crush on Peter, he wasn't sure yet).

He sees the clown. A foul and loathsome creature, hidden under bright makeup of a fake smile and rosy cheeks. A terrifying beast hiding behind a giant plastic red nose that only a demon could really breathe through. A frightening thing who wore giant shoes for no reason other than to trip their enemies in dark corners of the night, making it easier to chomp them down with sharp teeth.

Ned jumps, dropping the popcorn bucket and letting out a yelp as he steps back in defense.

MJ laughs uncomfortably. "Sorry, Ned. I thought we were doing costumes?"

Peter quickly pulls on his Spider-Man mask so she didn't feel as uncomfortable. "We are!"

"Hell no!" Ned shakes his head. "Not clowns. No. MJ, WHY WOULD YOU THINK CLOWNS?"

MJ manages to let out an actual laugh at that. "I'm sorry! I thought it was a good idea at the time."

Peter watches his friends with great amusement. He turns to Ned. "Dude—Werent you afraid of clowns back in like, sixth grade?"

"Yes! My cousin read me this book when I was younger, an—"

MJ snorts loudly and shakes her head. "I liked that book. Did you know Stephen King was high when he wrote the majority of it?"


"Anyways," MJ shrugs. "Want to watch IT?"

Ned nearly cried on the spot.

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