If Peter Really Interned at Stark Industries

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    Peter Benjamin Parker was many things. Spider-Man, for one, and Mr. Stark's personal intern. He had started becoming Tony's intern after Tony offered him the job, saying he would actually get paid. And since Peter wasn't in the best financial spot, he decided he'd do anything to help May.

 He woke up early in the morning and headed down to Stark Industries, excited for his first day on the job. He'd get to know what being an intern was all about, and he was pretty excited about it.

When he gets there, the other interns help him out. "Make him a hot drink." One of them says. So Peter heads over to the coffee machine.

He looks at the ingredients. They were out of the coffee Mr. Stark liked. He spots a box of hot chocolate mix and smiles. Maybe Tony could go without coffee for a day. He couldn't tell the difference, right?

Peter walks into Tony's lab and hands him the cup. "Nice, hot, cup of coffee."

Tony drinks it, and his face scrunches up. "Peter, this is disgusting."

"Hot, cup of coffee."

"It's cold, Pete."

"Cup of coffee."

"This is hot chocolate. Wait, scratch that, it's not even hot."


Tony sighs and returns to his work. Peter leaves the 'cup' on the counter and walks out of the lab, returning to a stack of paperwork. It was mostly boring math problems, but a few questions he didn't know the answer to, so he left them blank and put them in a pile. 

A little later on his lunch break, an alarm started going off. F.R.I.D.A.Y started talking overhead.

"Unfinished Paperwork sent in- Activating Code 372."

There is silence for a minute until she spoke again.

"Mr. Peter Parker, Mr. Stark would like to see you in his office." The voice was unusually robotic, with a hint of sympathy. He stands up from his chair and heads to Mr. Stark's office. The interns sadly shook their heads, muttering things like "That didn't last long" and "There goes another one."

Peter opens the door and Tony is sitting in his chair, looking sadly at Peter. Peter smiles awkwardly and waves, sitting down in the chair ahead of Tony.

"Peter, I'm sorry, but I'm firing you." Peter shrugs and gets up. "Wait, aren't you upset?"

He shakes his head. "No, I honestly don't think I'm cut out for an office job anyways. Thank you, Mr. Stark."

And so Peter left Stark Industries, and stayed more focused on Spider-Man. But hey, at least he tried.

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