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**OML this took way too long to write. I'm just now writing it because it's 10:30 and I'm sick, so I can't  fall asleep. Oof ouch my bones**

**⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️⚠️: this chapter deals with sensory overloads and panic attacks, so if you're sensitive to that I'd suggest you not read this chapter**

-The time Tony found out exactly how bad Peter's sensory overloads were-

Peter walks out of school with a grin on his face. Today, he and Tony were supposed to go get ice cream, and Peter as beyond excited. Who wouldn't want to get ice cream with your idol? (*COMMENT WHAT CELEB YOU'D WANT TO GET ICE CREAM WITH I'M CURIOUS*)

He spots the particularly flashy car and walks towards it, watching Tony unlock the door from the inside. He hops in and smiles. "Hey, Mr. Stark."

Tony shoots a kind look at him. "Hey, kid. How was school?"

Peter shrugs. "I don't know. It was school, I guess. What else can I say?"

Tony nods. "Fair point. You buckled?"

Peter snorts. "You sound like such a dad, Mr. Stark. Yes, I'm 'buckled'."

Tony rolls his eyes and starts the car. Rock music starts pouring in through the speakers at an impressively loud rate, causing Peter to flinch. Tony turns it down without even seeing Peter's flinch, and Peter relaxes.

Peter remains quiet, looking out the window at the passing city. Peter loved living in the city because it was busy and always moving, just like him.

Tony focuses on driving to the said destination, occasionally humming to the song on the radio or yelling at some doofus driver.

When they get to the ice cream parlor, it's empty. It gives off an old-school retro look, and Peter is excited to find a bunch of arcade machines inside. 

As it turns out, Tony Stark is unbelievably good at Pac-Man. Peter on the other hand, is better at Space Invaders. But they both suck at Galaga. (Tony loves watching people play though.)

They sit down at the long bar and look at the menus.

Tony reads over the flavours. "Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Mint chip- ew, Sherbe-"

Peter cuts him off with an incredulous gasp. "What do you mean ew? Mint chip is the supporting pillar of unique ice cream flavours!" He screeches.

Tony snorts. "Sure, Jan."

Peter snaps his fingers sassily. "Don't quote at me, it's the truth! Mint Chip is delicious, and I can't handle you making fun of it. Mint chip deserves love too, you know. Just because an old man like you can only handle a boring flavour like vanilla doesn't mean that Mint chip is gross! Thank you for listening to my TED talk, good day."

Tony blinks. It's silent for a minute before bursting out laughing. 

"Peter, where did that even come from?!" Tony laughs.

Peter smiles. "MINT CHIP SUPREMACY!"

A waiter comes up to them with a kind smile on their face. "Did you decide a flavour yet?"

Tony looks at Peter and smirks. "Yeah, i'll have mint chip." He says, without breaking eye contact. Peter rolls his eyes.

"I'll have Rocky Road." He says simply. Tony scoffs.

"All that, and you're not even getting Mint Chip Ice Cream?"

Peter shrugs. "What can I say? I'm a complex man."

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